Track Cleaning Loco
This unique locomotive is the prod-
uct of years of research by Ernst Paul
Lehmann Patentwerk to solve the
complex problems of track cleaning,
especially on outdoor layouts.
The 20670 has two motors. The drive
motor, located below the cab, pro-
pels the loco on the track. The clean-
ing motor, located in front of the cab,
rotates a pair of cleaning wheels.
These low-abrasion wheels rotate
opposite of the direction of travel for
more effective cleaning. The cleaning
wheels also feature special flanges to
protect the plastic guides found on
LGB switches and crossings.
With this patented design, the 20670
safely and efficiently cleans the rails
of your LGB track. The body of the
20670 is modeled after prototype
track maintenance equipment.
This detailed model features:
- weather-resistant construction
- factory-installed onboard decoder
for MTS and analog operation
- three-way power control switch
- protected gearbox with seven-pole
Bühler motor
- four powered wheels
- built-in speed control
- cleaning gearbox with high-torque
Bühler motor
- low-abrasion, counter-rotating
cleaning wheels
- six power pickups
- voltage stabilization circuit
- automatic directional lanterns
- roof-mounted hazard lights
- length: 435 mm (17.1 in)
- weight: 2900 g (6.4 lb)
Operating Modes
There is a three-way power control
switch mounted in the cab (Fig. 1, 2).
The switch can be reached through
the open window:
Position 0 (closest to the open win-
dow): All power off.
Position 1 (center): Drive motor on.
Cleaning motor off. This position is
for operating the 20670 like a normal
LGB locomotive.
Position 2 (farthest from the open
window, factory pre-set): Drive
motor on. Cleaning motor ready. This
position is for track cleaning.
The track cleaning loco also is
equipped with an speed control for
the drive motor (Fig. 3), which is
concealed under a black cap on the
roof of the cab. Pull off the cap to
adjust the maximum drive speed
with analog operation (Position 2).
Hint: The on-board loco speed con-
trol is not needed with the Multi-
Train System. It does not work with
MTS operation.
Multi-Train System
The model is equipped with a facto-
ry-installed onboard decoder for the
LGB Multi-Train System. It can be
used without modifications on ana-
log or digital layouts. For operation
with the Multi-Train System, the
model is programmed to loco
address 03. For information on pro-
gramming the loco address, see the
instructions for various MTS compo-
When operating with the Multi-Train
System, you can remotely control the
loco's functions. Press the lighting
button ("9" with remotes) to turn the
loco lights on or off. Press the func-
tion button to turn the cleaning
motor on or off.
If desired, numerous functions of the
onboard decoder, such as accelera-
tion, braking, direction of travel and
many others, can be programmed
using a PC and the 55045 MTS PC
Decoder Programming Module (see
Instructions for advanced users).
These functions also can be pro-
grammed from the 55015 Universal
Track Cleaning
Analog operation (conventional
transformer and throttle):
- Set your layout speed control to
- Place the 20670 on the track.
- Set the power control switch to
Position 2 (see Operating Modes).
- Set the 20670 on-board speed con-
trol to a middle position (see
Operating Modes).
- Set your layout speed control to the
highest forward position.
The 20670 will move forward with a
medium speed, and the cleaning
wheels will clean the rails.
- The speed of the track cleaning loco
is adjusted with the on-board speed
control. The layout speed control
always should be set to the highest
speed, so the cleaning wheels are
turning at maximum speed.
- The cleaning motor operates only
when the 20670 is moving forward.
This makes it easy to clean dead-end
sections, like sidings.
Multi-Train System:
- Place the 20670 on the track.
- Select the loco address and run the
loco forward at moderate speed.
- Press the F1 function button. The
cleaning wheels turn and clean the
rails. To stop the cleaning wheels,
press the F1 function button again.
- A safety feature turns off the clean-
ing motor when the MTS control is
set to "0".
- The cleaning motor operates only
when the 20670 is moving forward.
This makes it easy to clean dead-
end sections, like sidings.
Cleaning speed
Set the built-in speed control (for
analog operation) or the MTS control
(for MTS operation) depending on
the condition of the rails:
- If the rails are slightly dirty, run the
loco faster.
- If the rails are moderately dirty, run
the loco slower. The cleaning
wheels will clean more contamina-
- If the rails are extremely dirty, do
not try to remove all the dirt at
once. Select a medium speed and
repeat the cleaning process several
times until the rails are clean.
Track Cleaning Hints
- When the 20670 is operated for the
first time or with new cleaning
rings, it may not run smoothly. If
the cleaning wheels continue to
vibrate excessively after extended
operation, we recommend gluing
the cleaning rings onto the plastic
discs using contact cement.
- The cleaning motor is equipped
with a thermal overload switch. If
the motor is overloaded, the switch
will turn off the cleaning motor. The
switch will automatically reset after
a few minutes. To avoid overload-
ing, operate the loco at a higher
- The 20670 will not clean wet or oily
Attention! Replace the cleaning
wheels before the gray cleaning rings
are worn to the level of the outer
wheel disks (see Replacing the