7.5 RS 232 C Data output via interface RS 232 C
RS 232 C Data output via interface RS 232 C
General information
As a condition for the data transfer between the balance and a peripheral device (for in-
stance printer, PC ...) both devise have to be set on the same interface parameter (for in-
stance baud rate, parity ...).
There are 5 methods for the data output via RS 232 C
Data output via PRINT-Key
The printing process can be released by the PRINT-key. In this case the settings AUTO-
PRINT and AUTPRINT PC should be deselected.
AUTOPRINT (Data output, after having loaded the balance)
The setting AUTOPRINT is in the PRINTER-routine, and there it can be selected or dese-
lected. When AUTOPRINT is active the actual weighing value will be sent via the RS 232
interface when the balance has been unloaded and then loaded after having achieved the
AUTOPRINT PC (Continuous data output)
The setting AUTPRINT PC is in the PRINTER-routine, and there it can be selected or de-
selected. When AUTOPRINT PC is active the actual weighing values will be sent continu-
ously via the RS 232 interface.
Data output by transfer of remote controls
The following functions can be released by the remote controls that will be transferred as
ASCII signs to the balance.
a weighing value (or unstable) is sent via RS 232 interface.
a stable weighing value is sent via RS 232 interface.
If the balance receives the command w or s, it acts without printing delay.
Output on bar code printer
The data transfer mode has to be set on „Barcode".
As bar code printer a Zebra printer model LP2824 is provided.
Take into account that the output format of the balance is fixedly defined and cannot be
The printer format is stored in the printer, i.e. in case of a failure the printer cannot be
changed with a new one from factory, previously it is necessary that KERN installs the re-
spective software.
The Zebra printer and the balance must be connected to the delivered interface cable
when they are switched off.
After switching-on both appliances, and after reaching the status ready-for-operation, a
label will be printed out when pressing the