Right after inserting a new sensor, on day 1:
Within 2 hours after you connect the transmitter to your sensor and start
the warm up period a "Calibrate Now" alert will occur. Following this first
calibration your sensor readings will start displaying within 5 minutes.
3 or 6 hours after the first calibration, the second calibration will be due.
To know by when this second calibration is due, tap the "Drop" icon.
After the first two start-up calibrations, calibrations are needed every
12 hours.
The Guardian™ Connect system monitors your sensor
readings throughout the day to ensure your sensor
glucose readings remain accurate. In some cases, the
system may require you to calibrate the sensor more
frequently if it detects the accuracy could be improved. "Calibrate
Now" alerts may occur more frequently than every 12 hours to
maintain the accuracy of your sensor. The "Drop" icon timing will be
updated automatically.
(Optionally) Guardian™ Connect system
allows you to assign up to 5 Care Partners
Care Partner creates a new account on CareLink™ Personal
including username and password.
Care Partner enters patient username of the person they wish to
follow and send a request to follow.
Guardian™ Connect User grants access to Care Partner in their own
CareLink™ Personal Account (this step needs to be done for every new
Care Partner).
Only after you have completed these steps, will you be connected and
sharing your glucose information with your care partner.
To use care partner alerts successfully:
Your smartphone must be connected to WiFi or a
mobile data network (e.g. a 3G, 4G or 5G network),
and be running the Guardian™ Connect app.
Your care partner must have an active CareLink™ Care Partner
account, with the desired alerts enabled on the CareLink™
Connect settings screen.
Your care partner should adjust the alert delay setting as
needed. With no delay set, alerts will be forwarded to your care
partner if you don't snooze or clear them immediately (within
about 10-15 seconds).
SMS alerts can help care partners stay updated about your glucose
levels. However, interruptions to your Internet connection or your
care partner's mobile network could result in SMS alerts not being
received. It is important you and your care partner do not rely
exclusively on these alerts as part of your diabetes treatment plan.
For more information on the CareLink™ Connect tab and how to manage
care partners, please refer to the CareLink™ Connect User Guide found in
the CareLink™ Connect tab of CareLink™ Personal.
Information contained herein does not replace the User Guide. Please refer
to the User Guide for more information.