CP Softener Series Owner's Manual
Float Cup
The Float Cup is set by adjusting the height above the bottom of the Brine
Valve Assembly. If a standard setting is used (S1-S5), then align the top
of the float cup to the standard setting. Where a standard setting is not
adequate, the actual Float Cup height must be measured and set according
to the specified height, measured from A to B, as shown in the Cup settings
figure on the left.
Return the brine valve assembly to the well inside the brine drum. Be certain not
to bump the float cup and accidentally alter the float setting. Make sure that the
bent tube snaps into the slot on the back of the drum and that the valve is fully
seated. Then secure the brine well cap.
Remove the 3/8" brine line tubing from the brine drum. Attach one end of the
brine line tubing to the bent tube assembly on the brine valve. Make sure the
tubing is fully seated in the fitting. Connect the other end to the open fitting on
the softener control valve. Hand tighten fitting until snug then tighten 1 1/2 to 2
turns with a wrench to fully seat. Do not over tighten. You should generally limit
the brine line length to 6 feet, although greater distances may be permissible
depending on different parameters including inlet pressure.
Attach the safety overflow line to the barbed fitting on the brine drum and run it
to a drain. Since this overflow line is not pressurized, you must route it to allow
gravity to drain an overflow.