Brine Tanks
Required with a standard system is a brine make-up tank. These tanks will accommodate loading of
softener grade salt and provide water to dissolve brine into a saturated liquid form.
Softened water is delivered to the brine tank by the control valve during the normal regeneration
Brine tanks include an overflow connection to allow for a safety in case of tank overflow.
Also included with the brine tank is the brine valve. The brine valve is used to adjust the volume or
brine to be produced for each cycle.
Central Brine System
For larger, multiple systems, a Central Brining System alternative is
available. This will replace the need for multiple brine tanks when installing
multiple units in parallel.
The Central Brining System has features similar to the independent brine
tanks; however, to accommodate multiple systems, the brine refill is
accomplished by a float mechanism attached to the softened water supply
outlet of the system.
A check valve must be added to each softener on the brine line for the unit
to operate properly with the Central Brining System.
4724A ....................C/B Brine Drum, 24x48, Drilled
4726A ....................C/B Brine Drum, 39x60, Drilled
4728A ....................C/B Brine Drum, 50x60, Drilled
4781 ........................C/B Brine System Internals
7952 .......................C/B Brine Check Valve Kit
Valve Modifications for Central Brining Operation
Depending on the CP unit selected, the Venturi Throat may need to be changed. This will regulate the amount of salt
used per regeneration.
CP 208
CP 210
CP 213
CP 216
No Modification
Salt per Cycle
Tan (3343)
8.5 lb
White (1043)
30 lb
Yellow (6017)
42 lb
Yellow (6017)
42 lb
Recommended Valve Change
Dark Blue (2293)
Tan (3343)
Clear (2379)
Black (1045)
Salt per Cycle
5.5 lb
15 lb
19 lb
35 lb