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All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com
Apparecchi a combustibile solido con caldaia: pellets di legno
Residential space heating appliances with boiler fired by wood pellets
Appareil à combustible solide avec chaudière: pellets de bois
Mod. 698 TP
Mod. 698 TP-SA
Mod. 698 TPVT
Mod. 698 TP-SAVT
Pag. 02
Pag. 41
Pag. 79
Cod. 90003220 Rev. 6



Sommaire des Matières pour Lincar Annarita 698 TP

  • Page 1 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com Apparecchi a combustibile solido con caldaia: pellets di legno Residential space heating appliances with boiler fired by wood pellets Appareil à combustible solide avec chaudière: pellets de bois Annarita Annarita Annarita Annarita Annarita Annarita Annarita Annarita...
  • Page 2 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..GENTILE CLIENTE, Nel ringraziarla per la preferenza accordataci, le ricordiamo di Leggere Attentamente il contenuto del presente libretto, in quanto fornisce importanti indicazioni ed istruzioni riguardanti l’installazione, l’uso, la manutenzione, la sicurezza del prodotto e, non da ultimo, le condizioni di garanzia.
  • Page 3 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..INSTALLAZIONE PARTE DESTINATA ALL’INSTALLATORE Prescrizioni e norme Leggere attentamente il contenuto del presente manuale, in quanto fornisce importanti •...
  • Page 4 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Avvertenze: La macchina è dotata di una valvola di sicurezza che interviene (se per qualsiasi motivo l’impianto termico supera la pressione di 3bar) scaricando il fluido contenuto nella caldaia.
  • Page 5 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Operazioni preliminari Togliere delicatamente l’imballo. • Il materiale che compone l’imballo va riciclato mettendolo negli appositi contenitori o •...
  • Page 6 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..ALLACCIAMENTO ELETTRICO L’apparecchio viene fornito con un cavo di collegamento provvisto di spina europea da • collegarsi ad una presa di 1N 230V AC 50Hz, possibilmente con interruttore magnetotermico.Il cavo di collegamento deve essere disposto in modo tale da evitare qualsiasi contatto con superfici calde e/o taglienti .
  • Page 7 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Disaerazione dell’impianto • -Collegare l’apparecchio all’impianto di riscaldamento. -Riempire l’impianto e portarlo in pressione (es. 1,0 bar) 1- Sul display dell’apparecchio selezionare “Tarature Tecnico”...
  • Page 8 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Posizione selettore del circolatore in FUNZIONAMENTO • Al termine dell’operazione di disareazione, il selettore del circolatore deve essere posizionato nella configurazione di massima (ruotare in senso orario a fine corsa), come da immagine della figura a lato,...
  • Page 9 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..CAMINO O CANNA FUMARIA Il camino o canna fumaria deve rispondere ai seguenti requisiti: • - Essere a tenuta dei prodotti della combustione, impermeabile ed adeguatamente isolato e coibentato alla stregua delle condizioni di impiego (UNI 9615);...
  • Page 10 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..COMIGNOLO Il comignolo deve rispondere ai seguenti requisiti: • - Avere sezione interna equivalente a quella del camino; - Avere sezione utile di uscita non inferiore al doppio di quella interna del camino;...
  • Page 11 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Di seguito si riportano alcuni schemi consigliati a cui attenersi riguardanti lo scarico dei prodotti della combustione. Canna Fumaria Coibentata Canna Fumaria Coibentata Canna Fumaria in Muratura Isolata...
  • Page 12 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Canna Fumaria Coibentata 12/120...
  • Page 13 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..REALIZZAZIONE DELL’ALLACCIAMENTO ALLA CANNA FUMARIA Eseguire il collegamento dell’apparecchio alla canna fumaria del camino esistente, • assicurandosi che il tubo di uscita fumi non occupi la sezione libera della canna fumaria.
  • Page 14 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Dati tecnici Descrizione 698 TP TPVT TP-SAVT TP-SA +STEEL +STEEL Altezza *STEEL 1420 / *1400 1420 / *1400 Larghezza *STEEL 600 / *630 600 / *630...
  • Page 15 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Curve caratteristiche Circolatore 15/120...
  • Page 16 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..UTILIZZO - PARTE DESTINATA ALL’UTILIZZATORE Avvertenze importanti • Leggere attentamente il contenuto della presente sezione, in quanto fornisce importanti indicazioni ed istruzioni riguardanti l’uso, la manutenzione e soprattutto la sicurezza del prodotto.
  • Page 17 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Combustibile Il combustibile da utilizzare è: • UNI EN ISO Il combustibile da utilizzare è pellet di legna e deve rispettare la Normativa 17225-2 A1 Non è...
  • Page 18 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..FUNZIONI PULSANTI RADIOCOMANDO Pulsante 1 (P1) - Funzionamento normale Visualizza sul display la temperatura dei fumi in uscita ed il numero dei giri/minuto del motore espulsore fumi.
  • Page 19 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..FUNZIONI PULSANTI CONSOLE di EMERGENZA Pulsante 3 - Accende e Spegne l’apparecchio. Simbolo Radio - Segnala la comunicazione via radio con il radiocomando Simbolo Allarme - Segnala la presenza di un Allarme nell’apparecchio.
  • Page 20 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..REGOLAZIONE Potenza apparecchio. L’apparecchio ha la possibilità di essere regolato su 5 livelli di potenza (1-min, 5-max), per le prime ore di funzionamento si consiglia una regolazione a potenza 3.
  • Page 21 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..CICLO DI AVVIAMENTO 1° Accensione (stufa nuova ed ogni volta che il serbatoio si sia svuotato di combustibile) -Immettere del combustibile nel serbatoio e dare tensione all’apparecchio -In caso il display segnali un allarme tenere premuto il pulsante 3...
  • Page 22 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..L’apparecchio controllo continuamente la temperatura dell’ambiente e della caldaia, nel caso la potenza impostata fosse sufficiente a superare i valori impostati l’apparecchio ridurrà automaticamente la potenza al minimo per evitare sprechi di combustibile.
  • Page 23 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..può avvenire. Si consiglia pertanto di valutare attentamente l’attivazione della modalità Stand-By. Questo modello è dotato di uno scambiatore rapido per la produzione di acqua calda sanitaria, in caso di richiesta l’apparecchio segnala alla scheda di controllo la (apertura di un rubinetto)
  • Page 24 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..RADIOCOMANDO Per l’uso completo dell’apparecchio è necessario disporre del radiocomando. In caso di smarrimento o rottura del radiocomando è possibile utilizzare,con alcune limitazioni, l’apparecchio tramite la console di emergenza posta nella parte posteriore sx dell’apparecchio.
  • Page 25 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..MENU 01 (set orologio) All’interno di questo Menu è possibile regolare l’orario e la data della scheda elettronica, la data e l’orario impostati saranno utilizzati come riferimento per l’attivazione dei programmi di accensione/spegnimento.
  • Page 26 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..MENU 06 (modo cicalino) All’interno di questo Menu è possibile selezionare la modalità del cicalino (buzzer). OFF, nessun suono.
  • Page 27 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..DETTAGLIO MENU Menu 00 REGOLA VENTOLE - (Impostazione funzionamento Ventilazione). Display Descrizione Esempio VENT - 1 Ventilazione1 VENT - 2 Ventilazione2...
  • Page 28 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..START PROG-1 Inserire orario accensione 06:00 00:00-off M-2-3-02 STOP PROG-1 Inserire orario spegnimento 08:00 00:00-off M-2-3-03 Attivare(on)/Disattivare(off) il LUNEDI PROG-1 on-oFF...
  • Page 29 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Attivare(on)/Disattivare(off) il MERCOLDI PROG-4 on-oFF M-2-3-33 PROG-4 per il Mercoledì Attivare(on)/Disattivare(off) il GIOVEDI PROG-4 on-oFF M-2-3-34 PROG-4 per il Giovedì...
  • Page 30 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Menu 06 MODO CICALINO - (Impostazione del suono cicalino). Display Radiocomando Descrizione Esempio MODO CICALINO Selezionare la modalità cicalino desiderata SOLO ALLARMI Selezioni disponibili : OFF, SOLO ALLARMI, ON SEMPRE OFF –...
  • Page 31 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Pulizia cestello bruciatore. Asportare il cestello bruciatore, rimuovere i depositi formati all’interno, riposizionare il cestello bruciatore nel proprio posto avendo cura di verificare il perfetto incastro nella sede.
  • Page 32 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Aspirare i depositi sopra Piattello Ispezione Superiore e sotto la lamiera Parte inferiore camera di combustione -Aprire la porta inferiore.
  • Page 33 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Possibili inconvenienti e loro rimedio DIFETTO PROBABILE CAUSA RIMEDIO Potenza dell’apparecchio impostata Aumentare la potenza impostata. troppo bassa.
  • Page 34 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Eventuali riparazioni devono essere eseguite esclusivamente dal centro assistenza autorizzato o da personale qualificato. Attenzione: scollegare l‘apparecchio dall’alimentazione elettrica prima di ogni intervento. Segnalazioni di Allarme del Display Allarme Spiegazione...
  • Page 35 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Pressione errata Verificare la pressione dell’impianto termico. dell’impianto termico. (min. 0,5bar max. 2bar). Pressione troppo elevata Ridurre la pressione dell’impianto Rilevata pressione Press...
  • Page 36 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..36/120...
  • Page 37 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..37/120...
  • Page 38 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..38/120...
  • Page 39 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..39/120...
  • Page 40 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..CONDIZIONI DI GARANZIA La Garanzia dell’apparecchio ha durata di anni due, così come previsto dalla Direttiva •...
  • Page 41 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Dear Customer, While we thank you for the preference you granted us, we remind you to read carefully the present handbook because it gives You important warnings with particular attention to the installation, utilization, maintenance and to the security of the product in addition to condition of guarantee .
  • Page 42 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..INSTALLATION SECTION DESTINATED TO THE INSTALLER Prescriptions and norms Read carefully the contents of this handbook, it contains important information and •...
  • Page 43 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Directions: The appliance is equipped with a security valve, which (in case that for any reason the pressure of the thermal plant is exceeding 3 bar) intervenes, discharging the fluid contained into the boiler.
  • Page 44 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Preliminary operations Take away the packing • Before installation, check the appliance integrity. In case of doubt, do not use the •...
  • Page 45 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..ELECTRICAL CONNECTION The appliance is equipped with an electrical cable having an European plug. The electric •...
  • Page 46 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Heating System Venting Phase • -Connect the equipment with the heating installation. -Fill the heating installation and bring it on pressure (es. 1,0 bar) 1- On equipment’s display select “Tarature Tecnico”...
  • Page 47 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Position selector circulator OPERATION ( In function • When the venting phase is finished, the circulator selector has to be placed in the same position as in the picture.
  • Page 48 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..CHIMNEY OR FLUE The chimney or flue should have the following characteristics: • Well sealed from combustion products, impermeable and completely insulated as −...
  • Page 49 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..CHIMNEY CAP The chimney cap should have the following characteristics: • Internal section equivalent to the one of the chimney −...
  • Page 50 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Hereby some suggested schemes regarding the exhaust of the combustion products. Insulated Flue Insulated Flue Masonry insulated flue Masonry insulated flue 50/120...
  • Page 51 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Insulated Flue CONNECTION TO A FLUE It’s advisable to read, follow and respect what indicated in the Section Installation. •...
  • Page 52 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..COMBUSTION AIR INTAKE DIRECTLY FROM THE INTALLATION ROOM It’s advisable to read, follow and respect what indicated in the Section Installation. •...
  • Page 53 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Technical data Descrizione TPVT TP-SAVT TP-SA +STEEL +STEEL Height *STEEL 1420 / *1400 1420 / *1400 Width *STEEL 600 / *630...
  • Page 54 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Characteristic curves Circulator 54/120...
  • Page 55 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..UTILIZING - SECTION DESTINATED TO THE USER Important warnings Read carefully the instructions of this section, which are very important for the use, the •...
  • Page 56 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Fuel UNI EN ISO 17225- The combustible to employ is Wood Pellet must comply with • 2 A1 Standard.
  • Page 57 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..RADIOCONTROL PUSH BUTTONS FUNCTION Button 1 (P1) - In normal working condition Indicates on the display the temperature of the outgoing fumes and the number revolutions/min.
  • Page 58 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..EMERGENCY CONTROLBOARD PUSH BUTTONS FUNCTION Button 3 - Switch ON and Switch Off. Radio symbol - Indicates the radio communication with the radiocontrol Alarm symbol - Indicates an alarm on the appliance.
  • Page 59 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..REGULATION of the Power of the appliance. The appliance has the possibility to be regulated within a range of 5 power levels (1-min, 5- max), during the first working hours we suggest to put the power regulation on level 3.
  • Page 60 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..STARTING CYCLE 1st Lighting (new stove and whenever the pellet container has been completely emptied -Put the fuel into the container and switch on the appliance -In case the display is signalling an alarm keep the push button 3 pressed -In case the display is signalling “Final cleaning”...
  • Page 61 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..During the working phase the appliance controls constantly the temperature of the room and of the boiler. If during the working phase at the selected power (i.e.
  • Page 62 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..PRODUCTION OF SANITARY WATER Mod. 698TP+698TPVT+698TPVT STEEL. The production of sanitary water is possible EXCLUSIVELY when the appliance is set at work with presence of fire. If the appliance is in OFF or STAND-BY modality the production of sanitary water will not be possible.
  • Page 63 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..RADIOCONTROL By mean of the radiocontrol you can effect all working operations of the appliance. In case of loss or breakdown of the radiocontrol, the appliance can be utilized, with some limitations, with the emergency controlboard, which is place on the lh back side of the appliance itself.
  • Page 64 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..MENU 01 (clock setting) Within this Menu you can adjust the time and the date of the electronic card, the set date and time will be utilized as reference for the activation of the switch ON/OFF programs.
  • Page 65 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..MENU 07 (load initial) Within this Menu you can set the continuos fuel load, this operation can only be effected when the appliance on the display is evidencing “OFF”.
  • Page 66 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Menu 01 SET CLOCK - (setting up the clock inside the appliance). Radiocontrol Display Description Example day of week TUESDAY CLOCK HOURS...
  • Page 67 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Activate(on) / Disactivate(off) FRIDAY PROG-1 on-oFF M-2-3-08 PROG-1 for Friday Activate(on) / Disactivate(off) SATURDAY PROG-1 on-oFF M-2-3-09 PROG-1 for Saturday Activate(on) / Disactivate(off)
  • Page 68 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..For a correct execution of the programs, set very carefully the data of Menu 01. Selecting oFF instead of the starting or extinction hour, the stove exclude the automatic starting or extinction Radiocontrol Display Descriptio...
  • Page 69 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Menu 08 STATUS STOVE - (Displays the status of the appliance). Radiocontrol Display Description Example STATUS STOVE Shows informations about the working of the appliance Displayed values: Fume temperature, fume expeller motor rev/min, appliance status, room temperature, boiler pressure,...
  • Page 70 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Ashtray cleaning Open the lower door, take out the ashtray cover (to release the cover, turn the two lateral hooks), take the ashtray and empty it carefully, paying attention to possible hot combustion residuals, place the ashtray in its housing and closed the cover of the ashtray.
  • Page 71 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Aspirate the residuals over und Upper inspection plate under the sheet. Lower part of combustion chamber -Open the lower door..
  • Page 72 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Possible troubles and their cure TROUBLE CAUSE CURE Appliances power set to low Increase the power. Boiler temperature set to low Increase the boiler temperature The presetted room...
  • Page 73 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Any repairs must be carried out by an authorized after-sales service or qualified staff. Attention: Disconnect always the appliance before making any interventation. CORISIT S.r.l.
  • Page 74 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Noticed a too Breakdown/block plant Check circulation pump working. high circulation pump. temperature of Safety the boiler Breakdown bulb security Verify/replace thermostat, verify Thermal...
  • Page 75 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..75/120...
  • Page 76 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..76/120...
  • Page 77 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..77/120...
  • Page 78 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..78/120...
  • Page 79 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..CHER CLIENT , En Vous remerciant pour Votre choix, nous Vous prions de lire avec attention ce manuel car il fournit instructions et indications très importantes concernant l’installation, l’usage, l’entretien et la sûreté...
  • Page 80 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..INSTALLATION PARTIE DESTINEE A L’INSTALLATEUR Normatives et prescriptions Ce manuel est à lire avec attention car il fournit indications et informations très •...
  • Page 81 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Attention : La machine est douée d’une soupape de sécurité qui intervient ( si l’installation thermique dépasse le 3bar de pression) et cause le déchargement du liquide contenu dans la chaudière.
  • Page 82 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Opérations Préliminaire Enlever avec attention l’emballage. • Le matériel qui compose l’emballage est à recycler en le mettant dans les récipients •...
  • Page 83 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..LACAGE ELECTRIQUE Le poêle est fournit avec cave de connexion avec épine européenne. Alimentation • 1N 230V AC 50Hz. Il faut éviter que le cave de connexion soit en contacte avec surfaces chaudes et ou tranchant.
  • Page 84 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Désaération del l’installation • - Raccorder l’appareil au système de chauffage. - Remplir l’installation et la mettre en pression (ex. 1,0 bar) 1- Sur le display de l’appareil sélectionner “Tarature Tecnico”...
  • Page 85 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Position du sélecteur du circulateur en FONCTIONNEMENT. • A la fin de l’opération de désaération, le sélecteur du circulateur doit se trouver dans la position illustré...
  • Page 86 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..CHEMINEE OU CARNEAU Complètement hermétique pour les produits de combustion, imperméable, bien isolé et avec calorifugeage par apport aux conditions d’emploi. Les carneaux doivent être réalisés avec matériels adaptes aux normales contraintes mécaniques, à...
  • Page 87 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..PARTIE TERMINALE CONDUIT FUMEES La partie terminale du conduit des fumées doit avoir les caractéristiques suivantes : Section équivalent à...
  • Page 88 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..En suite quelques exemples de réalisation de l’enlace pour la sortie des fumées de la combustion : Conduit fumées calorifugé...
  • Page 89 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Conduit fumées calorifugé REALISATION DU LACAGE AU CARNEAU Exécuter le laçage de l’appareil au carneau de la cheminée existante, en s’assurant que le •...
  • Page 90 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..ALIMENTATION D’AIR DE COMBUSTION DANS LA PIECE D’INSTALLATION L’appareil doit disposer de l’air nécessaire à garantir le fonctionnement régulier, à •...
  • Page 91 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Données Techniques Description TPVT TP-SAVT TP-SA +STEEL +STEEL Hauteur *STEEL 1420 / *1400 1420 / *1400 Largeur *STEEL 600 / *630...
  • Page 92 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Courbes caractéristique circulatoire 92/120...
  • Page 93 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..USAGE – PARTIE DESTINEE AU CLIENT Informations Importantes Lire avec attention les instructions de la partie suivante car elle fournit des indications très •...
  • Page 94 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Combustible UNI EN ISO 17225-2 A1 El combustible a emplear debe respetar la Normativa • Es prohibido de emplear combustible solido como : paja, maìz, hueso, piña o otro •...
  • Page 95 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..FONCTIONS BOUTONS RADIO-GUIDAGE Les boutons suivantes permettent de visualiser les valeurs différents de fonctionnement de l’appareil Bouton 1 (P1) - Fonctionnement normal : Visualiser sur le display la température des fumées –...
  • Page 96 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..FONCTIONS BOUTONS CONSOLE DE EMERGENCE Bouton 3 - Allume et éteint l’appareil . Symbole Radio - Signale la communication à travers radio avec radio - guidage Symbole Alerte - Signale la présence d’une alerte dans l’appareil.
  • Page 97 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..REGULATION Puissance appareil. -L’appareil se règle sur 5 niveaux de puissance (1-min, 5-max), pour les premières heures de fonctionnement, il est convenable une régulation à...
  • Page 98 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..CYCLE DE ALLUMAGE 1er Allumage (Poêle nouveau et toutes les fois que le réservoir soit vidé de combustible ) -Introduire combustible dans le réservoir et donner tension à...
  • Page 99 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..L’appareil contrôle continuellement la température de l’ambiance et de la chaudière et dans le cas que la puissance programmée soit suffisante à passer les valeurs programmées, l’appareil réduira automatiquement la puissance au minimum pour éviter gaspillage de combustible.
  • Page 100 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..réduction de puissance (modulation) à éviter gaspillage de combustible ; quand la demande d’eau chaude sanitaire sera terminée, l’appareil tourne au fonctionnement normal. Les temps de production d’...
  • Page 101 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..RADIO – GUIDAGE Pour l’emploi complet de l’appareil est nécessaire disposer du radio – guidage. En cas de perte ou rupture du radio –...
  • Page 102 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..MENU 01 (set horloge ) Avec ce menu, il est possible de régler l’horaire et la date de la fiche électronique, la date et l’horaire programmé...
  • Page 103 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..MENU 07 (Premier chargement) A l’intérieur de ce Menu, il est possible de activer le chargement du combustible (vis sans fin) en continu, opération qui se déroule seulement avec appareil qui visualise sur le display “ETEINT”.
  • Page 104 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Menu 01 SET HORLOGE - (Programmer horloge intérieur de l’appareil ). Display Radio – guidage Description Example JOUR Jour de la semaine...
  • Page 105 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Activer (on) / Désactiver (off) MERCREDI PROG-1 on-oFF M-2-3-06 le PROG-1 pour le Mercredi Activer (on) / Désactiver (off) JEUDI PROG-1 on-oFF M-2-3-07...
  • Page 106 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Activer (on) / Désactiver (off) SAMEDI PROG-4 on-oFF M-2-3-36 le PROG-4 pour le Samedi Activer (on) / Désactiver (off) DIMANCHE PROG-4 on-oFF M-2-3-37...
  • Page 107 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Menu 07 CHARGE INITIAL - (Activer en continu le chargement du combustibles ). Display Radioguidage Déscription Example CHARGE INITIAL Active le chargement continu du combustible...
  • Page 108 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Nettoyage panier brûleur . Enlever le panier brûleur, enlever tous les résidus formé à l’intérieur, replacer le panier brûleur dans sa propre position en faisant attention à son correcte placement.
  • Page 109 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Godet de inspection supérieure Aspirer les résidus base t au dessous du châssis Partie inférieure de la chambre de combustion -Ouvrir la porte inférieur .
  • Page 110 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..CAS DE POSSIBLE ANOMALIE DANS LE FONCTIONNEMENT DEFAUT CAUSE SOLUTION Puissance de l’appareil programmé a un Augmenter la puissance programmée.
  • Page 111 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..CORISIT S.r.l n’est pas responsable pour endommages à chose ou personne causés par une installation pas correcte, violation de l’appareil, utilisation impropre, mauvais manutention, inobservance des normatives en force et inhabilité...
  • Page 112 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Pression de l’installation Vérifier la pression de l’installation thermique pas correcte . thermique ( min. 0,5bar max. 2bar).
  • Page 113 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..113/120...
  • Page 114 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..114/120...
  • Page 115 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..115/120...
  • Page 116 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..116/120...
  • Page 117 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..SMALTIMENTO DEL PRODOTTO AVVERTENZE PER IL CORRETTO SMALTIMENTO DEL PRODOTTO Smaltimento dei rifiuti di apparecchiature elettriche ed elettroniche (RAEE) ai sensi del Decr.
  • Page 118 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..ÉLIMINATION APPAREIL INFORMATIONS POUR LA GESTION DES DÉCHETS DES ÉQUIPEMENTS ÉLECTRIQUES ET ÉLECTRONIQUES CONTENANT DES PILES ET DES ACCUMULATEURS Ce symbole, qui apparaît sur le produit, sur les piles, sur les accumulateurs ou sur leur emballage ou sur leur documentation, indique que le produit et...
  • Page 119 All manuals and user guides at all-guides.com IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Note:_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________...
  • Page 120 IT IT IT IT- - - - GB GB- - - - FR FR mod. Serie 698TP..Targhetta caratteristiche - Technical data plate Fiche Technique CORISIT S.r.l. Via E. Fermi, 5 – 42046 Reggiolo (RE) – Italy www.lincar.it info@lincar.it 120/120...

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