Type number
Date of manufacture
Intented purpose
The blood pressure monitor (hereinafter, device) is intended for
the fully automatic, non-invasive measurement of arterial blood
pressure and pulse values on the upper arm.
It is designed for self-measurement by adults in a domestic en-
Intended users
The blood pressure measurement is suitable for adult users
whose upper arm circumference is within the range printed on
the cu .
Clinical benefits
The user can record their blood pressure and pulse values quickly
and easily using the device. The recorded values are classified
according to internationally applicable guidelines and evaluated
graphically. Furthermore, the device can detect any irregular heart
beats that occur during measurement and inform the user via a
symbol in the display. The device saves the recorded measure-
ments and can also output average values of previous measure-
ments. The recorded data can provide healthcare service pro-
viders with support during the diagnosis and treatment of blood
pressure problems, and therefore it plays a part in the long-term
monitoring of the user's health.
In the event of hypertension or hypotension, the user can inde-
pendently monitor their blood pressure and pulse values at home.
However, the user does not need to be su ering from hyperten-
sion or arrhythmia in order to use the device.
• Do not use the blood pressure monitor on newborns, children
or pets.
• Persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities
should be supervised by a person responsible for their safety
and receive instructions from that person on how to use the
• Do not use the device if you are using electrical implants (e.g.
• Do not use the device if you have metal implants.
• Do not use the cu on people who have undergone a mastec-
tomy or who have had their lymph nodes removed.
• Do not place the cu over wounds as this may cause further
• Make sure that the cu is not placed on an arm whose arteries
or veins are undergoing medical treatment, e.g. intravascu-
lar access or intravascular therapy, or an arteriovenous (AV)
• Do not use the device on people with allergies or sensitive
Undesirable side e ects
• skin irritation
• negative impact on blood circulation