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Porter-cable Industrial tools are warranted from date of purchase.
2 year – Limited warranty on oil-lubricated air compressor pumps.
1 year – Limited warranty on all other air compressor components.
This warranty is not transferable to subsequent owners.
Porter-Cable will repair or replace, without charge, at Porter-Cable's option, any
defects due to faulty materials or workmanship. For further detail of warranty
coverage and warranty repair information, call 1-(888)-895-4549 or visit por- This warranty does not apply to accessories or damage caused
where repairs have been made or attempted by others. This warranty also does
not apply to merchandise sold by PORTER-CABLE which has been manufac-
tured by and identified as the product of another company, such as gasoline
engines. Such manufacturer's warranty, if any, will apply. any IncIDental,
InDIRect oR conseQuentIal loss, DaMage oR eXPense tHat
May Result fRoM any Defect, faIluRe oR MalfunctIon of tHe
PRoDuct Is not coVeReD by tHIs waRRanty. Some states do not
allow the exclusion of limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the
above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. IMPlIeD waRRantIes,
IncluDIng tHose of MeRcHantabIlIty oR fItness foR a
PaRtIculaR PuRPose, aRe lIMIteD to one yeaR fRoM tHe Date of
oRIgInal PuRcHase. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an
implied warranty lasts, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
what the company will Do: (the company) will cover parts and labor to rem-
edy substantial defects due to materials and workmanship during the first year
of ownership, with the exceptions noted below. Parts used in repair of whole
goods or accessories are warranted for the balance of the original warranty
what is not covered under this warranty? Failures by the original retail
purchaser to install, maintain, and operate said equipment in accordance with
standard industry practices. Modifications to the product, or tampering with
components, or failure to comply with the specific recommendations of the
Company set forth in the owner's manual, will render this warranty null and
void. The Company shall not be liable for any repairs, replacements, or adjust-
ments to the equipment, or any costs for labor performed by the purchaser
without the Company's prior written approval. The effects of corrosion, erosion,
surrounding environmental conditions, cosmetic defects, and routine mainte-
nance items, are specifically excluded from this warranty. Routine maintenance
items such as: oil, lubricants, and air filters, as well as changing oil, air filters,
belt tensioning, etc... fall under the owner's responsibility. Additional exclusions
include: freight damage, failures resulting from neglect, accident, or abuse,
induction motors when operated from a generator, oil leaks, air leaks, oil con-
sumption, leaky fittings, hoses, petcocks, bleeder tubes, and transfer tubes.
The following components are considered normal wear items and are
not covered after the first year of ownership: Belts, sheaves, flywheels,
lIMIteD waRRanty
22- ENG