Appendix
1.
Use
of
Fingerstick
Devices
on
More
Than
One
Person
Poses
Risk
for
Transmitting
Bloodborne
Pathogens:
Initial
Communication,
(2010)
http://www.fda.gov/MedicalDevices/Safety/AlertsandNotices/ucm
224025.htm.
Accessed
June
8,
2.
Clinical
Reminder:
"Use
of
Fingerstick
Devices
on
More
than
One
Person
Poses
Risk
for
Transmitting
Bloodborne
Pathogens,
(2010)
http://www.cdc.gov/injectionsafety/FingerstickDevicesBGM.html.
Accessed
June
8,2011
3.
Healthcare
Infection
Control
Pratices
Advisory
Committee
William
A.
Rutala,
Ph.D.,M.P.H.,
and
David
J.
Weber,M.D.,M.P.H.
Centers
for
Disease
Control
and
Prevention,
2008.
"Guideline
for
Disinfection
and
Sterilization
in
Healthcare
Facilities,
Atlanta."