Landing your kite with assistance
When you come back to shore, choose a clean area to land your kite. The kite lands as it takes off, at
the edge of the wind window. Ask someone to catch your kite by the middle of the
never by the tip of the kite. For your safety and the one of others choose someone competent
enough to help you out in this maneuver.
Landing the kite alone with the Life Line
In case you wish to land your kite alone, all you need to do is activate the release system and the kite
will land safely on the beach down your wind without power. Be careful to allow enough space! When
the kite is on its back on the ground it pulls no more. To get your kite, do not walk towards it while
holding the Life line, the kite may relaunch inverted. It is necessary to tie the Life line to a solid object
then go get the kite safely. Do not leave the kite in this position, the leading edge of the kite rubbing
on the ground my get damaged!
1 1 1 1
Let go of the bar and active the quick release on your chicken loop.
The bar will go up along the lifeline and the kite will go on inverted flight.
The kite land up side down on the leading edge.
Pull on the Life Line towards you until you get a hold of the bar. Maintain the Life Line in
your hand so the kite does not regain power. Be careful not to make any knot you need to
always be able to rapidly let go of the Life Line. Reconnect the chicken loop and then recon-
nect yourself to the chicken loop.Slowly let got of the Life Line making sure it is not hooked
on anything. You are ready to relaunch.
2 2 2 2
leading edge,
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