TMX 1000
TMX 1500
Intended use
The TMX model is a mixing device that is suitable for mixing so昀琀 to viscoplas琀椀c material as well
as hard and granular material. Examples include:
All types of mortar
So昀琀 to plas琀椀c screeds and concretes with addi琀椀ves up to 16 mm
Lime-cement plaster
Di昀昀erent cement-based adhesives
Heavy epoxy resin mortar
Terrazzo (TMX 1000 with addi琀椀onal available rubber lips)
Dry 昀椀ll materials
as they are used in the construc琀椀on industry.
The recommended mixing capacity amounts to a maximum of 80 litres per mixture (materi-
al-dependent). It is recommended to test the necessary material mixing 琀椀me at the beginning
of your work.
Observe the processing informa琀椀on of the material manufacturer regarding the used material.
Any other use of the machine or any use beyond this scope is considered unintended and thus
improper. Safety and its protec琀椀on can be impacted in this case. Collomix GmbH shall not be
liable for any resul琀椀ng damage. Intended use also includes:
Compliance with all informa琀椀on in the opera琀椀ng instruc琀椀ons
Compliance with all safety informa琀椀on
Compliance with inspec琀椀on and maintenance work.
The user shall be liable for damage resul琀椀ng from non-intended use.
Foreseeable misuse
Reasonably foreseeable misuse that could result in danger for the user, third par琀椀es or the ma-
chine includes:
Use of the machine and its accessories contrary to the intended use.
Opera琀椀on of the machine using a mixing tool di昀昀erent from the speci昀椀ed one.
Use of damaged containers or containers not suitable for the mixer.
Mixing of liquid and runny materials.
Mixing of 昀氀ammable or explosive substances.
Mixing of electrically conduc琀椀ng substances.
Mixing of chemically aggressive substances and corrosive liquids.
Mixing of food items.
Opera琀椀on of the machine outside of the physical usage limits described in chapter "Com-
Bucket over昀椀lling
Use of water jets or high-pressure cleaners for cleaning
Changes to the mixer as well as add-ons or retro昀椀ts without previous agreement with Col-
lomix GmbH.
Opera琀椀on of the machine contrary to the provisions of the opera琀椀ng instruc琀椀ons with re-
spect to safety informa琀椀on, installa琀椀on, opera琀椀on, maintenance, setup and malfunc琀椀ons.
Bypassing, removal or disabling of safety and protec琀椀on devices of the machine.
Opera琀椀on of the machine in the case/with obvious malfunc琀椀ons
Repair, cleaning and maintenance work without disconnec琀椀ng the mixer from the power
Collomix GmbH
85080 Gaimersheim