7h!i SLffrrni'O/ytfo&s rtot
Qf qS{ fniUucUoPS toi uicgivGfi tn
thii. mo/it/oJ.
• Jrfifirl baCfCry
PleQi^ obterva pohrity iigjti {-\- } -}
inisd^ tfre Ctiv^i Iqi (iFi«
• Opcf\ tho QQrnc^io badt
PiiSS f^wifid knob
vfy.vofdi, the cojnero
boik wHt jump open.
• Load the fUm
S^t the ietting knob (W) to " f",
the film zoriildge into the catlridge thum-r
b^i (27), prea the fcwind fc/iof> rrt ogain,
geneteuity puih
tooding edgo
tiim into the iHt of Jfte iafce-irp spoo/ {29}
ond turn by the diik (20} in the dffoetion
of the oamera cen(je un(j^ the feeib o/ l/fc
fiim ipfockei (2S} ate iecuieiy engaged
(be fifm
eodiing fever {5} HU it sfops. The fHm
fTtotion Qon now be iostod.
• Ooje fbe bock of (be come/cr
PiopaiQ for
Repeat proeeduiei far refease ond oodi-
ing untii (be frame ceurafer {6} tndfcotei
(be ffgurc
• Se( Jfngf? (f7) (e "ovtornot!c" again,
• Set (f(e fj'be
Lift and rotate the ie(tprtCj ring (J) unlH
((pe ipeedvoiue itondi opposite the moik.
• P/eie(ec( the stop number
Se( f(pe requberf s(op numtier by meant
of (be diaphragm sclij'ng ring.
• Set (be j'rffpge guaiiiy
Triple v/edge: T/pe jub/te( ii tharp if
oontouri and fines flow no( trra%
Mjeroprjjmr If the gaatity of (bo rpfpge
it coiioet. bte spb^eef it tieoi and vdlf
not fiickei.
Ground gfoij ringt Ta be uted at tow
bfightnoisfoetar(e-g- for dose^ups). The
prcfure mujf appear ofcar and sharp.
i *
f-ightty piess (be i(>tjf(e/ /efeoie^ rbe aufOn,
mpibj are functioning! the metering indf^r
catoi v/iff jP|crne(
exposuio (Jme, if (be
expatuiQ time h iuitabie for the Jtjb/ccf,
re(epjc (fpe sbulfcr, otherwise ohonge tho
stop number.
Chof^ge the fiim
Prett the rewind roieote button {27}, un-
faid the rewind iever ($} and (mn it rn (fie
dr/^CttQn oi
^ntil QfCOl&r (?crs^
of fbJj piocedure becomes riorpceobfe
thus irgnaWirPr; the end of the rev/ind
Palf up (back uniacked) the rewind knob
{2} as far as H vjjif go, lenno/e the lifrn
Cbonge [be feni
Press the fens reiease key {9}. turn the
ient in a eounter-dotkwiso direction oj
far os it goes aecf remgye it.
insert (be fees so (bg| ^be reef merits on
the lam oeef eomero face eoeft o(ber aetf
turn fn a clockwise direction tUf it locks.
Instrudrons concise^
L&s insiructions comcrses suivofiles ne dis-
peoitfit pes J'utiKisategr de i'oppopeir de
eOrtingElrc fensembre des imslructioris don =
ri4es dons lo p re sente notice dVmpioi.
• Medre To pile en pJoce
Tenif compte de repercs de polorite
/ -) dofis le coyvercFe du compgrti-
ment 6 pile {22}.
• Oevfir Ig poroi darigfe
Ticer le boutgn de r4enreulernefit
vers le bout, Lo porgi dorsgle s^ouvre
• Mettre lo penicufe eo pJgec
PJgcer le bouton de rc^la^g (i
j surjl