All manuals and user guides at
Hunter Fan Company
Bath Exhaust Fan
LiMiTED WarranTY
Hunter Fan Company makes the following limited warranty to the original user or consumer purchaser of this Hunter
exhaust fan:
If any part of your Hunter bath exhaust fan (except for glass fixtures and light bulbs) fails at any time within one year
afterthe date of sale to you due to a defect in material or workmanship, we will repair or, at our option, replace the
defective part free of charge for parts and labor performed at our nearest service center or at our service Depart-
ment in Memphis, Tennessee. after this one-year period, you will be responsible for all parts and labor costs for
repairs on the bath exhaust fan except for motor repairs as provided below.
If your Hunter bath exhaust fan motor fails at any time within five years after the date of sale to you due to a defect
in material or workmanship, labor and materials to repair the defect will be provided free of charge at our nearest
service center or our service Department in Memphis, Tennessee. if no replacement part can be provided, we
will, at our option, either refund the actual purchase price of your bath exhaust fan or provide a replacement free of
charge. After this five-year period, you will be responsible for all parts and labor costs for repairs on all parts of the
bath exhaust fan.
iF THE oriGinaL UsEr or ConsUMEr pUrCHasEr CEasEs To oWn THE Fan, THis WarranTY anD
anY iMpLiED WarranTY WHiCH THEn rEMains in EFFECT, inCLUDinG BUT noT LiMiTED To anY iM-
pLiED WarranTY oF MErCHanTaBiLiTY or FiTnEss For a parTiCULar pUrposE, arE VoiDED. no
WarranTY, EXprEss or iMpLiED, inCLUDinG anY WarranTY oF MErCHanTaBiLiTY or FiTnEss For
a parTiCULar pUrposE, is MaDE in rEspECT oF GLass FiXTUrEs or LiGHT BULBs or THE FinisH
on anY METaL porTion oF THE BaTH EXHaUsT Fan.
THis WarranTY is in LiEU oF aLL oTHEr EXprEss WarranTiEs. THE DUraTion oF anY iMpLiED
WarranTY, inCLUDinG, BUT noT LiMiTED To, anY iMpLiED WarranTY oF MErCHanTaBiLiTY or FiT-
nEss For a parTiCULar pUrposE, in rEspECT To anY HUnTEr Fan BaTH EXHaUsT Fan MoTor or
oTHEr Fan parT, is EXprEssLY LiMiTED To THE pErioD oF THE EXprEss WarranTY sET ForTH
aBoVE For sUCH MoTors or oTHEr parTs.
This warranty is voided if your Hunter bath exhaust fan is not purchased and installed in the U.s.a. This warranty
excludes and does not cover defects, malfunctions or failures of any Hunter bath exhaust fan which were caused
by repairs by persons not authorized by us, use of parts or accessories not authorized by us, mishandling, improper
installation, modifications or damage to the Hunter bath exhaust fan while in your possession, or unreasonable use,
including failure to provide reasonable and necessary maintenance.
To obtain servicing, contact the nearest Hunter authorized service center of the Hunter Fan Company service De-
partment, 2500 Frisco avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38114. please contact us before shipping your bath exhaust
fan to us. if we authorize you to ship it to us, you will be responsible for all insurance and freight or other transpor-
tation charges to our factory or service center. We will return your Hunter bath exhaust fan freight prepaid. Your
Hunter bath exhaust fan should be properly packed to avoid damage in transit since we will not be responsible for
any such damage. proof of purchase is required when requesting warranty service. The purchaser must present the
sales receipt or other document that establishes proof of purchase.
in no EVEnT sHaLL HUnTEr Fan CoMpanY BE LiaBLE For ConsEQUEnTiaL or inCiDEnTaL DaM-
soME sTaTEs Do noT aLLoW LiMiTaTions on HoW LonG an iMpLiED WarranTY LasTs or THE EX-
CLUsion or LiMiTaTion oF inCiDEnTaL or ConsEQUEnTiaL DaMaGEs so THE aBoVE LiMiTaTion or
EXCLUsions MaY noT appLY To YoU.
THE WarranTY GiVEs YoU spECiFiC LEGaL riGHTs anD YoU MaY aLso HaVE oTHEr riGHTs WHiCH
VarY FroM sTaTE To sTaTE.
© 2008 Hunter Fan Company
43041-01 01/31/2008