The computer has a TRAINING mode which enables you to improve your playing by indicating that specific moves you have
made were good. A good move is a move which, according to the computer, improves your position; it can also be the "best
possible" move in a given situation where it is impossible to improve your position.
To enter the TRAINING mode, press the TRAINING button once. The GOOD MOVE indicator lights up to show that the
TRAINING mode is activated. To leave the TRAINING mode, press the TRAINING button once again. The TRAINING mode
is deactivated when you press the NEW GAME button; so do not forget to press the TRAINING button once again if you want
the computer to evaluate your moves during your new game.
When you are in TRAINING mode and the computer thinks your move was good, it will light up the GOOD MOVE indicator
after lighting up the start square of its move. If you think that your move was good but the indicator does not light up, this
means that there was at least one move which was better than the one you made. If you want to know what this move was,
press the TAKE BACK button to cancel your move, then press HINT. Now it's up to you to decide whether you make the move
recommended by the computer, make your original move, or alternatively, make a completely different move! However, you
must press the TAKE BACK button before performing the computer's move, otherwise the HINT mode is no longer available
for you to cancel your move.
The TRAINING mode in conjunction with the HINT option enables you to learn as you play: the TRAINING mode indicates
whether your move was awkward while the HINT option suggests a better solution. And don't forget: you must always try to
make the best possible move!
If you press the MOVE button while the computer is thinking, you immediately interrupt its analysis and the computer will
make its best possible move at that point in its analysis (in other words, the move that would be indicated if you were to press
the HINT button).
In case of doubt, for example if you accidentally knock the chessboard, you can ask the computer to indicate the position of
each chess-man on the board.
1. Press the key corresponding to the chessman you are looking for. The computer will indicate the position of each
chessman of this kind by illuminating one of the lights of the rank (row) and one or a number of files (columns). A constantly
illuminated light indicates a white piece; a flashing light indicates a black piece.
2. Press once again and the computer will indicate the position of the black chess-men in this particular category.
3. Press a third time and the computer leaves the position verification mode and indicates which colour has to play. Now you
can press the button of a different chess-man or press one of the squares firmly in order to carry out your move.
To modify the position of chess-men or to program a completely new position:
1. Press the SET UP button to enter the position programming mode. The SET UP indicator lights up.
2. If you want to program a completely new position, press the TAKE BACK button to erase the chessboard. The computer will
play a tune to announce a new game.
3. Press one of the six chess-men buttons. If there are one or more chess-men of this type on the chessboard, the computer
will show you them: see POSITION VERIFICATION mode as explained above.
4. To remove a chess-man of this type from the chessboard, just press the square with this chess-men. The corresponding
indicator will light up.
5. To move a chess-man of this type from one square to another, cancel the start position by pressing the square. Then press
the destination square where you would like to position the chess-man. The corresponding indicator will light up.
6. To add a chess-man of this type to the chessboard, press an empty square. The corresponding indicator lights up. If it is
lit permanently, it indicates a white chess-man; if it flashes, it indicates a black chess-man. If the indicated colour is not
correct, remove the chess-man from the board by pressing the square once again, then change the colour by pressing the
SOUND/COLOUR button and finally press the empty square once again to record the chess-man. To add another chess-
man of the same type and colour, just press the empty square where you want to place the chess-man in question.
7. When you have finished programming the game, check that the two Kings are present on the chessboard and that the first
player cannot take the King of his opponent.
8. The colour of the last chess-man that was removed, moved or added determines the colour of the line. To change the
colour, remove and add a chess-man of the desired colour, or alternatively, press the SOUND/COLOUR button.
9. Finally, to leave the position programming mode, press the SET UP button once again. The SET UP indicator lights up.
Now you can either make a move or let the computer make the first move by pressing the MOVE button.
Your computer chess game requires hardly any maintenance. The following brief recommendations will enable you to keep
the game in good working condition for many years.