To record a move:
1. Lightly press the square of the chess man you want to move. The easiest way is to slightly tilt the chessman and lightly
press the edge of the chess man in the centre of the square. You can also press the square with a finger. You will hear a
specific jingle and two lights will be illuminated. These two lights indicate the row and column (rank and file) of the square
you are moving from.
2. Place the chessman on the destination square and lightly press the centre of the square. You will hear another "beep"
indicating that the computer has recorded your move.The computer thinks about its next move.
Note: Slight pressure is sufficient providing you press in the middle of the square. Do not press too hard on the squares or the
electronic chessboard may suffer damage over time.
At the beginning of the game, the computer immediately indicates its move by means of the library of opening moves which
contains 20 different positions. Later on in the game, the light at the top left (row 8's light) will flash indicating that it's Black's
move and that the computer is thinking.
When the computer indicates its move, you will hear a certain tone.
1. Two lights will illuminate indicating the row and column of the square whose piece the computer wants to move. Press
lightly on this square and take the piece.
2. Next, the lights show the coordinates of the square the piece is moving to. Place the piece on this square by pressing
lightly. The light will illuminate again showing that it's now your turn.
Captures are made in the same manner as other moves.
1. Press the start square and hold the chess-man.
2. Press the destination square and place the chess-man on this square. Remove the captured chess-man from the
chessboard without pressing any other squares.
The explanation above is also true for captures "en passant"; however, the computer will remind you to remove the captured
1. Press the start square and hold the pawn.
2. Press the destination square and place the pawn on this square.
3. The computer will tell you to remove the captured pawn by illuminating the lights corresponding to the pawn captured en
passant. Press this square and remove the pawn from the chessboard.
To castle, move the King as usual. Once you have pressed the start square and the destination square of the King, the
computer will remind you to move the Rook.
To play a small castle (castling with Rook and King) on the White side:
1. Press square E1 and take the King.
2. Place the King on G1 and press the square.
3. The computer will remind you to move the Rook by illuminating the lights corresponding to H1. Press the H1 Square and
pick up the Rook.
4. The computer will illuminate the coordinates of F1. Place the Rook on F1 and press this square.
To play a large castle (castling with Rook and Queen) on the White side:
1. Press square E1 and take the King.
2. Place the King on C1 and press the square.
3. The computer will remind you to move the Rook by illuminating the corresponding square. Press A1 and pick up the Rook.
4. The computer will illuminate the coordinates of D1. Place the Rook on D1 and press the square.