Installation instructions
Safety edge
Rubber profile
Carrier profile
Safety instructions
– The mounting, commissioning, modification or retrofitting of pres-
sure-sensitive edges may only be undertaken by persons who have
completed relevant professional training by authorised persons.
– To ensure effective operation of the protection system, knowledge of
the product-specific guidelines and standards, that apply on the site
where the pressure-sensitive egdes are being used, is essential.
Storage and handling of safety edges
– Safety edges are packaged and delivered either laid flat or rolled with
sufficient radius. They should be stored in their original packaging in a
dry location at a temperature between +5 °C and +40 °C.
– The original packaging guarantees ideal storage and transport
conditions and should not be removed until immediately prior to
mounting at the usage site.
The carrier profile must be mounted on a flat
Carrier profiles must be secured to the surface
with screws or rivets. The screws or rivets
must be positioned no more than 80 mm from
either end of the carrier profile and spaced at
maximum intervals of 350 mm along its length.
Control unit
We recommend using countersunk head
screws or countersunk rivets that do not
protrude into the cavity of the carrier profile.
This guarantees that the plasticity of the
rubber profile will not be restricted and allows
the cable to be routed straight through the
carrier profile, if applicable.
Safety edges
– Pressure-sensitive egdes are pressure-sensitive protection systems.
They are specified in accordance with and meet the requirements of
standard EN ISO 13856-2 (see the declarations of conformity).
– Pressure-sensitive egdes consist of a safety edge (sensor) and a
control unit. These installation instructions describe the installa-
tion of the safety edges. Safety edges are active-switching, flexible
rubber profiles that are mounted on corresponding metal carrier
profiles of at least the same length.
Power-operated gates are one example; their safety in use is de-
scribed in standard EN 12978.
– Failure to comply with these safety instructions may result in severe
or fatal injury and serious damage to property.
– These installation instructions must be kept for subsequent reuse.
– During mounting, the safety edges should always be handled laid flat.
Kinking or over-bending of safety edges must absolutely be avoided as
this can lead to irreparable damage.
– Do not expose the safety edge connection cables to excessive strain.
Cable bushings drilled through carrier profiles
and carriers must not damage the cable during
installation and operation (e.g. due to vibra-
tions). Sharp edges must therefore be de-
burred and cable support sleeves should be
used, for example.