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Nervures SPANTIK 2 Manuel D'utilisation page 22


With 360's, or spiral dives, higher descent rates, up to 1 0 m / s, are achieved. This
maneuver can be disorienting for the pilot (loss of bearings and strong g-forces).
With this maneuver, care should be taken to
itself without pilot input. Thus, to exit or stop the spiral, the pilot raises both hands
and bleeds the energy away with a controlled turn. If the
the spiral after rising hands (a flight characteristic not encountered as of this date),
the exit would be achieved by countering outside of the turn while slowing the
I I t t m m a a y y b b e e n n e e c c e e s s s s a a r r y y t t o o d d a a m m p p e e n n a a n n y y s s u u r r g g e e t t o o a a v v o o i i d d a a s s t t r r o o n n g g f f o o r r w w a a r r d d p p i i t t c c h h
5.3. Collapses and Acrobatic flights
After a collapse, reopening on the
immediate. However, it is possible that a massive collapse, if not immediately
corrected, can result in a turn which could degenerate into serious auto-rotation.
When a large collapse occurs, the correct pilot input is to perform weight shift
towards the inflated side and, if necessary, apply brake on the outside of the turn
opposite the collapse to maintain course. Once rotation has been stopped, and if
the collapse has not corrected itself, a brief but long brake input on the collaped
side may be necessary. However, be careful of slowing the wing excessively and
P P l l e e a a s s e e b b e e a a w w a a r r e e t t h h a a t t t t h h i i s s m m a a n n u u a a l l i i s s n n o o t t a a s s u u b b s s t t i i t t u u t t e e f f o o r r
causing a stall.
a a r r e e p p u u t t a a b b l l e e S S I I V V c c o o u u r r s s e e u u n n d d e e r r t t h h e e g g u u i i d d a a n n c c e e o o f f a a q q u u a a l l i i f f i i e e d d i i n n s s t t r r u u c c t t o o r r . .
Radical maneuvers should be avoided. The
or aerobatic, flight due its design profile & our choice of weight saving materials.
Although tested by professionals at the envelope of extreme flight, theses
manuevers are not within the normal flying limits of the
- Reverse turn with an oscillating roll (wingovers) of more than 60 ° angle of bank
either side of the vertical.
- Slowing down and releasing control inputs causing tilting pitch of more than 45 °
on either side of the vertical.
- Stall maneuvers.
- Large control inputs, and sudden turns, done at low speed which can degenerate
into a flat spin or asymmetric stall.
- Deliberate collapses caused by using the risers
The practice of acro or aerobatic flight beyond the limits set above are not
5.2.3. 360°
has a stable spiral, that is to say it comes out of a 360 ° turn by
5.3.1 Collapses
5.3.2 Acrobatic flig
progress slowly.
is generally spontaneous and
remains in
is not intended for acro,
, and :
. .

