11.1 Description of the displays: Threshold value tariff 1/2
Temperature difference
Supply temperature
Return temperature
Thermal power
11.2 Time
A time window can be selected as a tariff. The starting (
and endtime (
) is represented as follows:
11.3. Energy over the treshold figure 1/2
Time over/under threshold figure in hours
Energy figure over/under threshold figure
Tariff (1 or 2)
11.4. Volume over the treshold figure 1/2
Time over/under threshold figure in days
Volume figure over/under threshold figure
Tariff (1 or 2)
12. Data logger
The UltraMaXX is able to save pre-defined parameters at a
fixed time interval via 4 data registers working in parallel. The
figures which are saved can be read out by authorised service
staff via the optical interface / M-Bus option using the service
software. The figures cannot be displayed in the LCD display.
12.1 Year logger
Up to 6 parameters are saved once per year at 24.00 hrs on a
defined day over a period of 16 years.
12.2. Month logger
Up to 6 parameters are saved at 24.00 hrs on the last day of
the month over a period of 48 months.
12.3 Day logger
Up to 6 parameters are saved at 24.00 hrs once per day over a
period of 460 days.
Tariff 1
Tariff 2
Greater / equal
12.4 Programmable logger
Up to 6 parameters are saved for 1500 steps with a program-
mable time from 1 minute up to 7 days.
The time and the internal error messages are also saved in
all loggers. If the maximum amount of saved information is
reached in a logger, the oldest figure is deleted when each new
entry is made and the new entry saved (rolling cycle).
12.5 Saveable parameters
Volume water meter 1 - 4
Volume tariff 1
Volume tariff 2
Heat energy
Cold energy
Current flow maximum figure
Time current flow maximum figure
Current maximum power
Time current maximum power
Current maximum supply temperature
Time current maximum supply temperature
Time tariff 1
Time tariff 2
Return temperature
Supply temperature
Thermal power
Up to 6 parameters can be allocated separately to each data
logger. The parameters are programmed by the authorised
service staff using the service software via the optical interface
/ M-Bus option.
13. Date and time
The UltraMaXX provides the user with the possibility of display-
ing and setting the time used in the meter. Setting the time can
be done by authorised service staff using the service software
via the optical interface / M-Bus option or directly by the but-
tons on the UltraMaXX.
Day Month Year
Programming directly on the meter
1. Remove the seal above button 2
2. Go to display 3.16 with button 1
3. Press button 2 for longer than 2 seconds >> the set of fi-
gures for the year flashes
4. Set the required figures by pressing button 1
5. Press button 2 >> the next set of figures flashes
(sequence: year > month > day > hours > minutes)
6. Repeat steps 4. and 5. until the required figures have been
7. Leave the setting mode by pressing button 2 for longer than
2 seconds.
8. Secure button 2 against fraud by applying a new seal.