Mount and unmount device /dev/sdd and checking file system
Failed to mount device /dev/sdd
This device could be an uninitialized disk or has corrupted
File system check might take a long time. Do you want to continue? (y
or n) [y/N]? y
Error: File system consistency check retry failed on device /dev/sdd.
You can see the diagnosis information in the /var/local/log/sn-
This volume could be new or damaged. If you run sn-recovery-, this volume and any data on this volume will be
deleted. If you only had two copies of object data, you will
temporarily have only a single copy.
StorageGRID Webscale will attempt to restore data redundancy by
making additional replicated copies or EC fragments, according to the
rules in the active ILM policy.
Do not continue to the next step if you believe that the data
remaining on this volume cannot be rebuilt from elsewhere in the grid
(for example, if your ILM policy uses a rule that makes only one copy
or if volumes have failed on multiple nodes). Instead, contact
support to determine how to recover your data.
====== Device /dev/sde ======
Mount and unmount device /dev/sde and checking file system
The device is consistent.
Check rangedb structure on device /dev/sde:
Mount device /dev/sde to /tmp/sde-654321 with rangedb mount options
This device has all rangedb directories.
Found LDR node id 12000078, volume number 9 in the volID file
Error: This volume does not belong to this node. Fix the attached
volume and re-run this script.
Dans l'exemple de sortie, un volume de stockage a été remonté avec succès et trois volumes de
stockage ont rencontré des erreurs.
La vérification de cohérence du système de fichiers XFS a été effectuée et une
structure de volume valide a été correctement remontée. Les données sur les périphériques
remontés par le script sont conservées.
Echec de la vérification de cohérence du système de fichiers XFS car le volume de
stockage était nouveau ou corrompu.
impossible de monter, car le disque n'a pas été initialisé ou le superbloc du disque a été