Under no circumstance should you now touch the nail surfaces with your
fingers, if you do, they will become greasy again and this will prevent a
good bonding!
Apply a small drop of nail glue
distribute it with the aid of the nail glue bottle
the nail tip
of the nail tip
Dab the nail tip
nail glue
Before the first use you must puncture the bottle of nail glue
pointed object, such as a needle. If, at a later date, the bottle of nail glue
has become blocked, it can again be opened for use with a needle.
Now place the nail tip
mined edge of the nail tip
Now tilt the nail tip
tential air bubbles are squeezed out .
SNS 45 B4
down so that the nail glue
briefly with a cellulose pad
at an angle on the natural nail, so that the predeter-
lies on the edge of the natural nail.
with gentle pressure onto the natural nail, so that po-
to the lower part of the nail tip
on the lower surface. Hold
cannot run onto the upper part
to remove any excess
with a