Functionality of motion detection:
Two parameters are available for configuring motion detection: Sensitivity and percentage. The figure
shows how these two parameters influence motion detection.
A motion occurs, shown in the progression from figure A to figure B. The resulting pixel changes (depending
on the sensitivity setting) are shown in figure C (grey). The "Sensitivity" setting refers to the capacity of the
sensor to detect motion in the picture. The higher the set value, the more pixel changes are detected in the
picture. When motion is detected, the pixel changes (depending on the sensitivity setting) are saved on the
server as alarm pixels (pink areas in figure D). The "Percentage" value describes the percentage of the
"alarm pixels" in relation to the total number of pixels in the selected area. If the specified percentage of alarm
pixels is reached or exceeded, an alarm is triggered. To ensure reliable motor detection, a high sensitivity
setting and low percentage value is recommended.
10. Camera tampering detection
The network camera supports tampering detection. If detection is enabled, the alarm can be used as an event
for a notification (see "Application").
"Enable network camera tampering detection" The sensor system is activated.
"Triggering behaviour" The period defines how long a tampering event must continue before an alarm
is triggered.
The following tampering events are checked:
Camera rotation
Camera masking
Camera defocussing
You can set tampering detection as a trigger in the camera function "Application/Event setup".