Make sure that the option "Use UPnP" is always enabled. UPnP is also used by ABUS VMS to
search the network camera.
"UPnP port forwarding ON" Enables Universal Plug and Play port forwarding for network services. If your
router supports UPnP, then port forwarding for video streams is activated automatically on the router for the
network camera using this option.
"PPPoE" Use this setting if the network camera is connected directly to a DSL modem. You will receive a
user name and password from your ISP (Internet Service Provider).
Use this function to work with IP addresses of generation v6.
Please note that your network and hardware must support IPv6.
If IPv6 is enabled, the network camera always waits until it is assigned an IPv6 address via DHCP.
If no DHCP server is available, set up the IP address manually.
To do this, enable "Manually setup the IP address" and enter the IP address, default router and DNS address.
"IPv6 Information" All the IPv6 information is displayed in a separate window.