Troubleshooting Guide
Before requesting sen/ice for this unit, check the chart below for a possible cause of the problem you are experiencing. Some simple checks or a
minor adjustment on your part may eliminate the problem and restore proper operation.
If you are in doubt about some of the check points, or if the remedies indicated in the chart do not solve the problem, refer to the directory of
Authorized Service Centers (enclosed with this unit) to locate a convenient service center, or consult your dealer for instructions,
For detailed instructions, contact an authorized servicenter in the U.S.A. and Panasonic Canada inc. Customer Care Centre in
In the U.S.A. 1-800-211-7262 or web site (
In Canada 905-624-5505 or web site (
Probable cause (s)
Suggested remedy
Common problems
"E" appears.
Have you made a mistake in
Read the operating instructions and
try again.
"U01" appears.
Are the batteries flat?
Replace them with new ones.
Alternatively use a household AC
outlet as the power source.
"U02" appears.
Power is not supplied to the unit.
Install the batteries or connect the
power cable.
Preset channels, timer functions,
and clock are cleared.
Did you unplug the unit without
inserting memory batteries?
Insert memory batteries.
The display light doesn't come
Did you open the top panel by hand?
While listening to CDs
Play does not start. No display of
track numbers etc.
Has the CD been installed upside
Install the CD with the label side
facing up.
Has there been a sudden change in
For instance, was the unit brought
straight from a cold place into a
warm location?
Condensation may have formed on
the lens unit.
Leave it for about an hour before
attempting operation again.
Certain sections are not played
Is the CD soiled?
Wipe with a soft cloth.
Is the CD scratched?
Replace with a new CD.
While listening to tapes
No recording.
Have the tape's accidental erasure
prevention tabs been broken out?
Cover the holes with adhesive tape.
Poor quality sound.
Are the heads soiled?
Clean them.
While listening to the radio
Stations cannot be tuned in well.
Has the antenna been adjusted
Try changing its direction.
Noise heard during AM reception.
Are you using the remote control for
another appliance near the unit?
Use the remote control at a
Are you operating the unit and a TV
set at the same time?
Place the unit at a distance from the
TV. Alternatively turn the TV off.
While using the timer
No timer operation at the
programmed time.
Is the unit turned on (when the play
timer and the recording timer are
being used)?
Turn the unit off upon completion of
the settings.
23, 24
Is the programmed timer indicator
(0 PLAY, 0 REC or SLEEP) on?
Operate again so the indicator lights.
23, 24, 26