WM30-96 is provided with the "Easy-prog" function which enables a simple, quick, clear and immediate visualization of the instrument measurements, making available only specific variables depend-
ing on the application of the instrument. The available applications are described above.
To leverage all the capacities of the instrument, select the application G which enables a complete and detailed analysis of the electric energy.
" " E E A A S S Y Y P P R R O O G G " " F F U U N N C C T T I I O O N N , , c c h h o o o o s s i i n n g g t t h h e e a a p p p p l l i i c c a a t t i i o o n n
Cost allocation
Cost control
Complex cost allocation
Complex cost and power analysis
Cost and power quality analysis
Advanced energy and power analysis for power generation Complete energy metering and power quality analysis
Imported energy metering
Imported and partial energy metering
Imported/exported energy (total and partial)
Imported and exported energy metering with some basic
power analyzer function
Imported/exported energy (total and partial) and power