Changing your email
1 Press Menu, choose E-mail.
2 Select the account you want to
3 Select Options>E-mail settings to
change the following settings
E-mail accounts - You can set
up an email account.
Allow reply e-mail - Choose
to allow the sending of 'read
confirmation' messages.
Request reply e-mail - Choose
whether to request read
confirmation messages.
Retrieve interval - Choose how
often your LG-C305 checks for
new email messages.
Show amount - Choose the
number of emails to be shown at
any one time.
Include message in Fwd &
Reply - Choose whether or not to
include the original message.
Include attachment - Choose
whether or not to include the
original attachment.
Auto retrieval in roaming -
Choose whether or not to
automatically retrieve your
messages when abroad.
New e-mail notification -
Choose whether or not to be
alerted of new emails.
Signature - Create an email
signature and switch this feature
Priority - Choose the priority
level of your email messages.
Maximum size for receiving -
Choose the maximum email size
to be retrieve.
Mail sending size - Choose the
maximum email size that can
be sent.