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The "Endeavour" is famous as the ship in which Captain Cook, the English explorer, made the first
of his voyages of discovery. Originally built as the "Earl of Pembroke", a Whitby collier of 370 tons,
the "Endeavour" spent the first four years of her life carrying coals from Newcastle to London. She
was purchased by the Admiralty in March 1768 and immediately converted to suit her for exploration, extra
cabins being built and the bottom reinforced; this fitting out was completed in July. When completed the
re-named "Endeavour" was eminently suitable for her new role; her shallow draught enabled her to navigate
waters impassable to larger warships and her strong construction and almost flat bottom allowed her to be
easily run ashore for repairs. For protection against the unknown dangers "Endeavour" had been provided
with the comparatively heavy armament of 12 swivel and 10 carriage guns. The master of the "Endeavour",
the then Lieutenant James Cook, was already an outstanding navigator and seaman. Born at Marton,
Yorkshire in 1728, James Cook was the son of a farm labourer. He had only a few months of schooling
before he was apprenticed to a grocer and haberdasher at the age of thirteen. When he was seventeen,
Cook was released from his indentures and became an apprentice with a Whitby shipowner and spent
several years in the Coasting and Baltic trade. In June 1755, Cook entered the Royal Navy as an able-
seaman, gaining his master's warrant two years later. In 1768 he was raised to the rank of lieutenant and
placed in command of the "Endeavour" bark. "Endeavour" sailed from the Thames on 25 August 1768.
Cook's orders being to observe the transit of Venus from Tahiti in the Southern Pacific, to investigate the
problem of the southern continent and to annex any new lands discovered for the British Empire. In the
ship's complement of 94 were 71 officers and sailors, 12 marines and 11 passengers, including Sir Joseph
Banks and a number of other scientists. Charles Green, assistant to the Astronomer Royal, went as second
observer. In April 1769, "Endeavour" arrived at Tahiti and the transit was successfully observed on 3 June.
Leaving Tahiti, Cook sailed southward in search of the assumed southern continent; he sailed as far south
as latitude 40° then westward to New Zealand, both islands of which he circumnavigated and charted. Next
he surveyed the East coast of Australia and took possession of it in the name of Great Britain. He sailed
through the strait which separates Australia from New Guinea establishing beyond doubt the distinction of
the two islands. Continuing his voyage to Java and the Cape of Good Hope, Cook finally arrived back in
England on 12 June 1771, after a voyage of almost three years. Cook made two more voyages of discovery,
in 1772 he again sailed south, in "Resolution" and "Adventure". He sailed round the edge of the Antarctic
ice cap and explored the South Pacific, being promoted Captain on his return. In 1776 he went on his last
voyage, in search of the North-West passage, surveyed the south-west coast of North America and then
turned back to Hawaii. On 14 February 1779, he was attacked by natives and killed. During his lifetime,
Cook did more than any other navigator to add to our knowledge of the Pacific and Southern Oceans.
Hornby Hobbies Limited, Margate, Kent CT9 4JX, UK Tel: +44(0) 1843 233525 www.airfix.com



Sommaire des Matières pour AIRFIX ENDEAVOUR BARK

  • Page 1 Hawaii. On 14 February 1779, he was attacked by natives and killed. During his lifetime, Cook did more than any other navigator to add to our knowledge of the Pacific and Southern Oceans. Product Hornby Hobbies Limited, Margate, Kent CT9 4JX, UK Tel: +44(0) 1843 233525 www.airfix.com...
  • Page 2 Modeller Notes 4-A07251...
  • Page 3 L’Endeavour est connu comme le vaisseau dans lequel le capitaine Cook, explorateur anglais, effectua son premier voyage d’exploration. Construit à I’origine sous le nom Comte de Pembroke, charbonnier de 370 tonnes rattaché à la ville de Whitby, I’Endeavour a passé les quatre premières années de son existence à transporter du charbon de Newcastle à Londres. Il fut racheté...
  • Page 4 ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS Study drawings and practice assembly before cementing parts together. Carefully scrape Tekeningen bestuderen en delen in elkaar zetten alvorens deze te lijmen. Metaal- plating and paint from cementing surfaces. All parts are numbered. Paint small parts coating en lak voorzichtig van lijmvlakken af schrapen. Alle delen zijn genum- before assembly.
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  • Page 10 Table for making the shrouds Tabella di fabbricazione delle sartie Tabela tworzenia want Tableau de fabrication des haubans Tabel van de wantfabrikatie Πίνακας κατασκευής των αρτιών Übersicht über die Herstellung der Wanten Fremstillingstabel for vanterne Cuadro de fabricación de los obenques Tabela de fabricação dos ovéns Tabell för tillverkning av vanter Taulukko: Vanttien valmistus...
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  • Page 12 To make the drawings clearer, the ropes and shrouds in the previous views are not shown. Pour plus de clarté dans les dessins, tous les haubans et cordages des vues précédentes ne sont pas représentés. Um die Zeichnungen klarer zu gestalten, sind die Seile und Wanten in den vorangegangenen Ansichten nicht dargestellt. Para mayor claridad en el dibujo no se representan todos los obenques y cordajes de las vistas anteriores.
  • Page 13 TABLE OF RIGGING The various linen threads can be found in OVERZICHT VAN DE TAKELAGE De verschillende vlasdraden zijn te specialised model shops and at draper’s shops. koop in maquette speciaalzaken, evenals in garen – en bandwinkels. Diameter Length of threads to be used Diameter Lengte te gebruiken draden 0.30 ..........
  • Page 14 PAINTING OF THE SAILS To make the model more realistic, we recommend that you paint the sails before cutting them out. Use colour 103. Note: The bold line on each sail shows the line where it should be glued to the yard or spar. PEINTURE DES VOILES Pour donner plus de réalisme à...
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  • Page 16 Modeller Notes 4-A07251 0708...

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