Fitting Stand Assist Sling
• Position the patient in a sitting position.
• Slide the sling down patient's back to lumbar position.
• Draw the shoulder straps to the front of the patient close to the chest.
• Draw the waist belt around patient's waist and press together to fasten.
Attach the shoulder straps to the hooks.
Shoulder strap
Velcro waist belt
Sling Loop Options
Or for Sling Application
• Place sling behind seated patient with the 2 pads under the arms.
• Cross the adjustable chest belt over and fasten it securely using the buckle (adjust
for comfort).
• (Optional) Cross the short black strap over and pull the left loop strap through the
black strap.
• Hook the two loop straps to the hooks on the lift boom using the same hook and loop
sequence on each side.
• If utilized, the black strap should loop around both shoulder straps and will be straight across
in front of patient to stabilize the sling during lifting.
• Have patient grasp handles on boom and tilt head back slightly.
• Make sure the patients feet are firmly on the platform and knees are touching the kneepads
with kneecaps just above the padding.
• Use the lift to complete the lift and pivot transfer.
Shoulder strap loop
LONG LOOP - reclined position
CENTER LOOP - semi reclined
SHORT LOOP - most upright
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