Fit the two licence plate mounting brackets (items 4 and 20) using the bolts, washers and nuts
(items 2, 3, 5 and 8) as shown in pictures 39 and 40 (please note the longer bolts (item 5) are
fitted in the rear most holes).
Refit and secure the under-tray as shown in pictures 41, 42 and 43 using the original bolts.
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If reusing the original indicators
Gently squeeze the indicator stem and fit one of the original indicator adaptors (item 10) as
shown in picture 44.
Fit the indicator with the adaptor to the new licence plate bracket as shown in picture 45.
Refit the original spreader plate as shown in picture 45.
Repeat the above steps for the opposite indicator.
If using the mini indicators
To fit the R&G Mini Indicators (R&G mini indicator product code RG370 for bulb type
and RG371 for LED type or RG372 for Aero Style led type).
Position one of the indicator adaptors (item 9) onto the wiring of each indicator, ensuring
the side facing the bracket has the raised centre profile as shown in picture 46.
Feed the wires through the licence plate bracket as shown in picture 46.
Feed another of the indicator adaptors (item 9) over the wires as shown in picture 47,
ensuring the side facing the bracket has the raised centre profile.
Fit one of the indicator nuts over the wires, then one of the indicator nut covers (item 6 --
it helps if a small amount of liquid detergent is used), then one of the lengths of heat
shrink (item 14) as shown in picture 47.
Tighten the indicator nut with the indicators in the correct position (ensuring the adaptor
plates locate into the aperture), feed the nut cover over the nut then feed the heat shrink
over the stem of the nut cover and carefully heat the heat shrink using a heat gun or hair
Repeat the above steps for the opposite indicator.
Fit the R&G licence plate illuminator (item 13) as shown in pictures 48 and 49, please note
you will have to fit the light shroud and use a small amount of adhesive to hold it in position.
Fit the remaining length of heat shrink (item 14) over the wires and
shrink using a heat gun of hair dryer.
Offer the new licence plate bracket into position while feeding the wiring through the hole in
the under-tray as shown in pictures 50 and 51.
Fit three of the button head bolts with washers (items 7 and 8) through the three holes in the
new licence plate bracket and secure to the licence plate mounting bracket as shown in picture
52 then repeat for the opposite licence plate mounting bracket.
Route the wiring as original and reconnect the licence plate illuminator and indicators to the
original plug sockets using the connectors provided (items 11 and 12) as shown in pictures 53
and 54.
If using mini indicators, you may have to use resistors to achieve the correct flash rate. It is a
good idea the check the licence plate illuminator and indicators at this stage if illumination
fails please swap the bullet connection around.
Refit the front seat locator/brace as original.
Refit and secure the cross brace/seat catch as original.
Tel: +44 (0)1420 89007 Fax: +44 (0)1420 87301
Unit 1, Shelley's Lane, East Worldham, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 3AQ
R&G Racing
carefully heat the heat