There are noises coming from the refrig-
erator like liquid flowing, spraying, etc.
• Liquid and gas flows occur in accordance
with the operating principles of your re-
frigerator. It is normal and not a fault.
Whistle comes from the refrigerator.
• Fans are used in order to cool the refrig-
erator. It is normal and not a fault.
Condensation on the inner walls of refrig-
• Hot and humid weather increases icing
and condensation. It is normal and not a
• Doors are opened frequently or left ajar
for a long time. >>>Do not open the
doors frequently. Close them if they are
• Door is ajar. >>>Close the door com-
Humidity occurs on the outside of the re-
frigerator or between the doors.
• There might be humidity in the air; this
is quite normal in humid weather. When
the humidity is less, condensation will
Bad odour inside the refrigerator.
• No regular cleaning is performed.
>>>Clean the inside of the refrigerator
regularly with a sponge, lukewarm water
or carbonate dissolved in water.
• Some containers or package materials
may cause the smell. >>>Use a different
container or different brand packaging
• Food is put into the refrigerator in un-
covered containers. >>>Keep the food
in closed containers. Microorganisms
spreading out from uncovered containers
can cause unpleasant odours.
• Remove the foods that have expired
best before dates and spoiled from the
Refrigerator/User Manual
The door is not closing.
• Food packages are preventing the door
from closing. >>>Replace the packages
that are obstructing the door.
• The refrigerator is not completely even
on the floor. >>>Adjust the feet to bal-
ance the refrigerator.
• The floor is not level or strong. >>>Make
sure that the floor is level and capable to
carry the refrigerator.
Crispers are stuck.
• The food is touching the ceiling of the
drawer. >>>Rearrange food in the
If The Surface Of The Product Is Hot.
• High temperatures may be observed
between the two doors, on the side
panels and at the rear grill while the
product is operating. This is normal and
does not require service maintenance!
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