Adjusting algorithm
After adjustment start, analog values can be adjusted by means of keys
w The adjustment speed increases when actuating the increment/decrement key continuously.
w When releasing the adjustment keys, the adjustment speed will decrease dependent on how long
the keys are not pressed.
w With a decade change in display 1000 r 100.0, the adjustment speed is adapted (reduced to
the speed of the uppermost level of the previous step).
This procedure is applicable to both analog and digital process or parameter values.
In addition to digital, analog and time values with the adjustment described above, operating page
VWERT can be used also for definition of radio button, switch and key type values, whereby key H is
pressed to handle the action after selecting with key ID.
Select (ID) item Calibration in sub-menu KS98: Miscellaneous and open
it (M). Mark the bottommost line (inverse display, e.g. Quit) by pressing I. Continue as follows:
Transducer input (INP1 or INP6): Calibration of transducer start and end
Ü Select Quit Set transducer to start (r section Operating modes)
* Press M r Quit blinks
Ö Press I r Set 0% blinks
ä Wait until the input has settled (min. 6 s)
# Press M r 0% done is displayed
< Set transducer to end (r section Operating modes)
> Press M r 0% done blinks
y Press I 3x r Set 100% blinks
x Wait until the input has settled (min. 6 s)
c Press M r 100% done is displayed.
Calibration is finished. For exit from calibration press D until nothing is marked and then press M.
Two resistance thermometers in difference (INP1): Calibration of lead resistance effect:
Ü Short-circuit both thermometers in the connecting head
* Press M r Quit blinks
Ö Press I r Set Dif blinks
ä Wait until the input has settled (min. 6 s)
# Press M r Cal done is displayed
Lead resistance adjustment is finished. Remove both short circuits.
For exit from calibration press D until nothing is marked and then press M.
* if another word blinks, press key I or D as many times as necessary, until the required dialogue blinks.
Adjusting algorithm