Q : Can I operate my microwave oven with-
out the turntable or turn the turntable
over to hold a large dish?
A : No. If you remove or turn over the turnta-
ble, you will get poor cooking results. Dishes
used in your oven must fit on the turntable.
Q : Is it normal for the turntable to turn in ei-
ther direction?
A : Yes. The turntable rotates clockwise or
counterclockwise, depending on the rotation
of the motor when the cooking cycle begins.
Q : Can I pop popcorn in my microwave
oven? How do I get the best results?
A : Yes. Pop packaged microwave popcorn
following manufacturer's guidelines. Do not
use regular paper bags. Use the "listening
test" by stopping the oven as soon as the
popping slows to a "pop" every 1 or 2 sec-
onds. Do not repop unpopped kernels. Do
not pop popcorn in glass cookware.
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Over The Range Microwave Oven / User Manual