g) Diode test
Make sure that the circuit components, circuits and components to be
measured or any other measuring objects are voltage-free and discharged.
- Turn on the DMM and select the measuring range
Press the SELECT key twice to switch to the correct
measuring function. The display shows the symbol for
diode test. Pressing the key again will switch to the
next measuring function, etc.
- Insert the red test lead into the V test socket (10) and
the black test lead into the COM test socket (9).
- Check the test leads for continuity by connecting the
test prods to one another. The device should then
register a value of approx. 0.000 V.
- Connect the test prods to the measuring object (diode).
- The display shows forward voltage „UF" in volt (V).
If the display shows OL, the diode is measured
in reverse direction (UR) or the diode is defective
(interrupted). For checking purposes, conduct a
measurement on the opposing poles. A beep sounds in case of forward voltages <0.1 V.
- Remove the test leads from the measuring object and turn off the DMM after measurement.