Thorough cleaning and disinfecting is imperative to
ensure that the subsequent sterilization is effective. Use
only autoclave sterilization for this purpose. The
sterilization time (exposure time at sterilization
temperature) is 4 minutes at 134 °C (273 °F); pressure
should be 2 bar (29 psi). Dry the sterilized light probe
using either the special drying program of your steam
autoclave or hot air. The light probe has been tested for
up to 200 sterilization cycles.
After that, check the light probe for damage. Hold it
against light. If individual segments appear black, glass
fibres are broken. If this is the case, replace the light
probe with a new one.
The curing light must not be disposed of as
urban waste. Dispose unserviceable batteries
and polymerization lights according to the
corresponding legal requirements in your
country. Batteries must not be incinerated.