5.1 Cleaning and Disinfecting the HygieniKit
WASH HANDS THOROUGHLY with soap and water before touching breast pump, kit and breasts.
Inspect and assemble a clean pump kit. If your tubing is moldy, discard and replace immediately.
1. Inspect all kit components for damage (cracks, tears, etc.)
2. Place only the following parts in a pot of boiling water: diaphragm, flange, valve, bottles, bottle ring and locking
3. Boil for at least 10 minutes
4. Inspect all boiled parts again
WARNING: DO NOT leave boiling parts unattended. Boiled water and steam from boiled water can cause
severe skin burns, so use caution when boiling parts in water and removing parts from boiling water.
See the Center for Disease Control website https://www.cdc.gov/healthywater/pdf/hygiene/breast-
pump-fact-sheet.pdf for additional cleaning guidelines.
Store milk safely. Cap milk collection bottle or seal milk collection bag, label with date and time, and immediately
place in a refrigerator, freezer, or cooler bag with ice packs.
Clean pumping area, especially if using a shared pump. Clean the pump as specified in this manual.
DO NOT wash adapter cap,
tubing and tubing adapter.
under running water to remove remaining milk. Do not place parts in sink to rinse.
Clean pump parts
after pumping. You can clean your hard plastic parts (FLANGES AND BOTTLES) on
the top rack of your dishwasher or by hand. ALWAYS CLEAN THE SOFT SILICONE
PARTS (DIAPHRAGMS AND VALVES) BY HAND. When hand-washing any pump
parts, always use a wash basin used only for cleaning the pump kit and infant feeding
Place pump parts in a clean wash basin used only for infant feeding items. Do not
place pump parts directly in the sink!
Add soap and hot water to basin.
Scrub items using a clean brush used only for infant feeding items. Do not use a
brush on valves or diaphragms.
Rinse by holding items under running water, or by submerging in fresh water in
a separate basin. When rinsing the valves, use a GENTLE STREAM of running
water. Valves may be damaged by the volume and pressure the faucet is capable of
Air-dry thoroughly. Place pump parts, wash basin, and bottle brush on a clean
surface in an area protected from dirt and dust. Do not use a dish towel to rub or pat
items dry!
Clean wash basin and bottle brush. Rinse them well and allow them to air-dry after
each use. Wash them by hand or in a dishwasher at least every few days.
For detailed instructions on cleaning or disinfecting your pump parts, visit https://