Technical connection details
In most cases, you can easily connect to the instrument with the IO Libraries Suite or Web interface. In certain
circumstances, it may be helpful to know the following information.
VXI-11 LAN VISA String: TCPIP0::<IP Address>::inst0::INSTR
Example: TCPIP0::
Web UI
Port number 80, URL http://<IP address>/
USB0::0x2A8D::<Prod ID>::<Serial Number>::0::INSTR
Example: USB0::0x2A8D::0x0902::MY55160003::0::INSTR
The vendor ID: 0x2A8D, the product ID is 0x0902, and the instrument serial number is MY55160003.
The product ID varies by model: 0x2F02 (E36231A), 0x3002 (E36232A), 0x3302 (E36233A), and 0x3402 (E36234A).
Keysight E36200 Series User's Guide