While we anticipate use of our products in cer-
tain environments such as nuclear equipment/
systems, air traffic control equipment/systems,
aircraft equipment/systems (as defined in
medical devices or accessories (as defined in
medical treatment diagnosis image display, life-
support system, or other equipment/devices/
systems that are involved with ensuring human
life or safety, we do not allow users to integrate
our product such that it becomes an integral part
of the systems found in these environments.
Panasonic will not be responsible for any liability
resulting, and in any way for any damages or
loss resulting from the use of this product arising
out of the foregoing uses.
Aircraft equipment/systems include Electric
Flight Bag (EFB) systems are defined by FAA
AC120-76D or EASA Commission Regulation
(EU) No 965/2012.
As defined by the Regulation (EU) 2017/745
Medical Device Regulation.
Panasonic cannot guarantee any specifications,
technologies, reliability, safety (e.g. flammability/
smoke/toxicity/radio frequency emission, etc.)
requirement related to aviation standards that
exceed the specifications of our COTS products.
As with any portable computer device precautions
should be taken to avoid any damage. The follow-
ing usage and handling procedures are recom-
Before putting the computer away, be sure to
wipe off any moisture.