Changing the Basic Configuration of the
eMag 240 HD
T he eMag 240 HD can be configured for up to 12 color combinations – saved as positions 1 through 12.
Color combinations are used to show text for best readability, for example, yellow text against a blue
P ositions 1 through 3 are full color (true color), black on white and white on black. The color settings for
these positions cannot be changed.
P ositions 4 through 12 can be customized or turned off. By default, positions 4 and 5 are yellow on blue
and yellow on black, but they can be changed.
Opening Configuration Mode and Editing Settings
When configuring color settings, it is best to have a page of text and a color photo to hand; position
your document beneath the camera of the eMag 240 HD.
Press and hold the red focus lock button for approximately 10 seconds to enter the configuration menu.
(Press and hold the button again to exit the configuration menu at any time and save your settings.)
Hollow outline:
Colors cannot be changed
All settings can be edited