programming menu
show float serial
show pressure table
exit command mode exit mission programming command mode (M) and go to main menu
activate recovery
SBE 41cp CTD
?—print this menu
B—buoyancy control agent
Bi—ascent initiation buoyancy nudge, 25–1022 counts
Bj—deep-profile buoyancy position, 1–1022 counts
Bn—deep-profile buoyancy position, 1–1022 counts
Bp—park buoyancy position, 1–1022 counts
C—continuous profile activation pressure, dbars
D—load mission configuration with defaults
F—float vitals agent
Fb—max. air bladder pressure, 1–254 counts
Ff—buoyancy full extension, 1–1022 counts
Fk—HPV b-EMF coefficient, 1.5–2.5 V-sec/Rad
Fr—buoyancy full retraction, 1–1022 counts
Fs—P-activation buoyancy position, 1-1022 counts
Fv—OK vacuum threshold, 1-254 counts
H—host configuration agent
Ha—dial command for alternate host
Hp—dial command for primary host
Hr—telemetry retry interval, 1-360 minutes
Ht—host connect timeout, 30-300 seconds
J—deep profile pressure, 0-2000 dbars
K—park pressure, 0-2000 dbars
L—list mission parameters
N—park and profile cycle length, 1-254
Q—quit the mission programming agent
T—mission timing agent
Ta—ascent timeout period, 120-600 min.
Tc—time-of-day for expiration of down-time, 0-1439 min.
Td—down time, 0-336 min.
Tj—deep-profile descent time, 0-480 min.
Tk—park descent time, 0-480 min.
Tp—mission prelude, 0-360 min.
Tu—up time, 0-1440 min.
Z—analyze the current mission programming
show float serial number
show the pressure table. It defines pressures in dbar at which to spot-sample of the float
is not configured for continuous profiling
command the float to stay at the surface and make telemetry calls to make recovery after
deployment feasible
Set up and test CTD: S followed by a command