4.2 Test float operation
4.3 Verify sensors operate correctly
4.3.1 Test SBE 41cp sensor
This procedure uses a list of commands to verify that the float functions correctly. It
includes all of the possible sensors that could be on a float. It is not necessary to do a test
for a sensor that is not part of the float. The float will ignore those commands and
respond with the c> prompt.
1. Start a terminal emulator program such as Tera Term and enter 9600 bps, 8 bits, no
parity, 1 stop bit.
2. Connect the 20 mA loop connector to a PC and make sure it functions: touch the
leads together and look for random characters to show in Tera Term.
3. Connect the float to the PC with the 20 mA loop connector.
4. Attach one clip to the anode of the float and the other to the pressure port. It does not
matter which clip attaches to the anode or pressure port.
5. Enter n several times to see the serial number of the float.
6. From the File menu in Tera Term, select Log... and make a file name for the data.
One possible format: float serial number_date_incoming.log. Push Save.
7. Enter l (lowercase L) to see the list of mission parameters. Make sure that these are
the same as the documents the float shipped with.
Do not use WD-40
or petroleum-based lubricant on bulkhead connectors. It will cause damage to
the rubber.
Damaged connectors can cause a loss of data and additional costs for service.
Damaged connectors can cause damage to the sensor and make it unserviceable.
Use silicone-based lubricants only.
AF24173 anti-fouling devices contain bis(tributyltin) oxide. Wear rubber or latex gloves and eye
protection to replace these devices on the sensor if it is so equipped. Wash hands with soap and
water when finished.
Read the precautions on the product label.
It is a violation of US federal law to use this product in a manner that is inconsistent with its label.
The SBE 41cp measures temperature, conductivity, and pressure. The temperature and
conductivity sensors are located inside the plastic guard at the top of the float. The
internal pump pulls seawater through the TC duct inside the plastic guard and out of the T
duct attached to the outside of the plastic guard. Make sure that the plastic guard has no
damage and that all the tubes are connected.
1. Enter sc to see a list of the calibration coefficients and the serial number of the
pressure sensor.
2. Verify that the calibration coefficients agree with the calibration sheet that shipped
with the float.
3. Enter sm to see the power consumption of the SBE 41cp.
A value of less than 0.3 watts with water in the CTD loop shows that the CTD turns
on and can take a sample.
4. Enter sn to see the SBE 41cp serial number.
5. Verify that it agrees with the label on the float head.
6. Enter ss to see pressure, temperature, and salinity data.