5.5 Test Iridium telemetry
Section 6 Pre-deployment tests
1. Enter hd to start a test call.
2. Verify the primary phone number is correct and the float can log in to the destination
3. Verify that the float made a file and is logged out.
4. Make sure that the file shows in the folder for the float on the server. If the float is
hosted by the manufacturer, contact the manufacturer to confirm that the file shows
on the server. If no file shows on the server, contact the manufacturer.
5. Enter if, then y, then push Enter to freeze the float.
6. Disconnect from the float.
Pre-deployment tests are required after the float is shipped to the deployment boat.
Connect to the float.
Start Tera Term. The manufacturer recommends that the user save data by location
or deployment, or by float serial number.
Enter N several times to record the serial number of the float.
Sensor tests
The manufacturer recommends that the user does the Sensor tests after the float has
been shipped to the deployment boat. Refer to
for details. If the float is still in the laboratory and the sensor tests were done in the last
six months, these tests are not necessary.
Atmospheric pressure test
Enter sp to see the SBE 41cp atmospheric pressure. It should be 0.0 ± 0.5 dbar.
Battery and internal vacuum test
Enter c to see the battery voltage and internal vacuum.
Battery voltage should be 11.0 ± 0.5 V.
Internal pressure ("vac") should be 82-88 counts at room temperature. This
measurement does change with temperature.
Mission test
Enter L to see the mission parameters.
Verify that all float mission parameters agree with what the manufacturer sent, or
confirm user-selected configuration.
Make sure that the float ID, password, and phone numbers are correct.
Pressure activation for deployment
Enter a to pressure activate the float.
Enter e to execute (start) the float.
Make sure that all configurations and tests "pass." Contact the manufacturer if there
are any warnings other than those shown in
Make sure that the float completes the self-test and either pressure activates or
executes (starts). The float will pass the self-test, then make six 4-second squawks,
and if necessary, do a BuoyancyAdjustAbsWTO() to get to the pressure activation
buoyancy position.
Disconnect from the float.
Refer to the Navis Float Deployment Manual for instructions to ship and deploy the float.
Verify sensors operate correctly
Do float self-test
on page 11.
on page 8