2. The two rubber pieces on the inside of the full face
mask should press against your nostrils such that
when you exhale through the nose, you notice
positive pressure in the middle ear.
3. You can adjust the rubber pieces in the full face
mask by pushing them forwards and backwards.
4. If this is not sufficient, you may have to place the
entire full face mask slightly higher or lower on your
5. Put your diving equipment on; see the instructions
for using the diving equipment.
4.2.3 Connecting the residual pressure
1. Insert the piston unit of the mechanical residual
pressure alarm in the plug-in connector on the side
of the visor until it stops.
2. Check that it is positioned securely by pulling on the
piston unit (preferably done by a second person).
The unlocking ring must move freely.
4.2.4 Connecting breathing systems
1. If necessary, connect a second diving regulator —
that is, insert it until the spring audibly engages in
the plug-in connector. Check that the plug-in
connector is securely in place by pulling on the
diving regulator in the opposite direction to the plug-
in direction. This should be checked by a second
person where possible.
Ambient air can still be breathed through the centre
connector, e.g. on the way to the water or on the
edge of the boat.
2. Open the gas supply to the main breathing system
(see the corresponding instructions for use).
Immediately before use (on land or on board), insert
the main breathing system in the central connector
of the full face mask.
3. Check that the plug-in connector is correctly
connected by pulling in the opposite direction to the
plug-in direction and breathing in and out several
4. If a second breathing system is present, check that it
is working properly (see the corresponding
instructions for use).
5. Only dive if all the connected breathing systems are
working correctly!
The sequence specified above for putting the diving
equipment and full face mask on and checking them is
a suggestion. Each customer should try it out and
decide for themselves how to proceed. In any case, it is
important that the method of putting the equipment on
and checking it is performed precisely as described
4.3 During use
4.3.1 Checking for leaks
No air bubbles must be visible at the connectors and on
the sealing frame. It is essential that this is checked by
your diving partner or the signal man in shallow water at
the beginning of each dive.
If you have connected several breathing systems to the
full face mask simultaneously and at least one of them
is intended as an independent emergency breathing
system, then we strongly recommend that you ensure
that you do not unintentionally breathe in gas from your
independent emergency breathing supply. You can do
this, for example, by holding the gas supply closed if
you can re-open the gas supply under water at any
time. Alternatively, use a medium pressure shut-off
valve if this is also easy to reach at any time under
4.3.2 Establishing pressure equalisation
When you dive, you should begin pressure equalisation
at shallow depths.
Using the two nose pieces, you can close the nostrils so
that you can perform a "Valsalva manoeuvre" for
pressure equalisation.