General exercise instructions
Exercise procedure
- wear comfortable sports clothing and athletic shoes.
- warm up before each exercise session and end the session gradually.
- Take sufficient breaks between the exercises and keep yourself
sufficiently hydrated.
-If you are a beginner, never exercise with too much intensity.
increase the intensity of the exercise sessions slowly.
- Perform all exercises smoothly, not jerkily fast.
- Be sure to breathe steadily.
Exhale during exertion and inhale upon release.
- MainTain correct body posture while exercising.
Warming up
Take sufficient time before each exercise session to warm up. Some
simple exercises to do this are described below.
You should repeat each exercise 2 to 3 times.
Neck muscles
1. Turn your head slowly to the left and to the right.
Repeat this movement 4 to 5 times.
2. Rotate your head slowly,first in one direction then in the other.
Arms and shoulders
1. Clasp your hands behind your back and pull them upwards
carefully. If you bend your upper body forwards at the same time, all
your muscles will be maximally warmed up.
2. Rotate both your shoulders forwards at the same time and then
change direction after one minute.
3. Pull your shoulders up to your ears and then let them drop again.
4. Circle your right and left arms alternately forwards and then, after
one minute, backwards.
Important: don't forget to keep breathing steadily!
Leg muscles
1. Stand on one leg and lift the other leg. with the knee bent, approx
20cm off the floor.
2. Rotate your raised fool first in one direction, then change direction
after a few seconds.
3. Switch legs and repeat this exercise,
4. Lift your legs one after another and take a few steps on the spot.
Make sure you only lift your legs to a height where you are still able to
maintain your balance well.
Exercise suggestions
Below are some of the many possible exercises.
Strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles (Fig. G)
For this exercise use the door anchor (3), one expander(7), one
handle (4) and the carabiner (9).
Fasten the expander to the bottom of the door as described in the
section .Fastening expanders to the door (Fig. F)".
Connect the handle to the other end of the expander with the
Starting position:
1. Stand with your right side to the door, feet hip-width apart. Place
equal weight on both feet.
2. Grab the handle with both hands. Your hands are resting on your
right thigh and your knees are slightly bent.
End position:
3. Tense your abdominal and buttock muscles and straighten your
upper body.
4. Tense your arms and rotate your upper body far to the left with
your elbows raised. Your head turns with your body, as if you are
looking over your left shoulder. Make sure that you only move your
upper body and your arms. Your pelvis remains straight.
5. Maintain abdominal muscle tension throughout and keep your head
aligned with your spine.