Bilge pumps shall be mounted in accordance with the pump manufacturer instructions, and in an accessible location to
permit servicing and cleaning of the intake and/or screening.
On boats with an enclosed accommodation compartment, an audible alarm shall be installed indicting that the bilge water
is approaching the maximum bilge water level.
Bulkhead penetrations shall be in accordance with the requirements of ABYC H-2, Ventilation of Boats Using Gasoline, to
minimize the potential for migration of carbon monoxide from machinery compartments containing gasoline engines to
adjacent accommodation compartments.
Potential electrical sources of ignition located in spaces containing gasoline powered machinery, or gasoline fuel tank(s),
or joint fitting(s), or other connection(s) between components of a gasoline system, shall be ignition protected, unless the
component is isolated from a gasoline fuel source as described in ABYC E-
Boats using diesel fuel as the only fuel source.
Outboard engines mounted externally or in compartments open to the atmosphere in accordance with the
requirements of ABYC H-2, Ventilation of Boats Using Gasoline.
The bilge pump inlet shall be located so that excess bilge water can be removed from the bilge at static floating position,
and at maximum conditions created by the boat's motion, heel, and trim.
Disconnect power before installing or servicing the pump.
Our pump is equipped with silicone blocked, tin coated 16 gauge wire. Please follow the table below when extending
the wires.
Wire Size Table
Total Wire Length (positive to pump) - feet (meters)
0-15 ft
0-4.5 m
16 AWG
(1.5 mm
This pump must be fused with a 7.5 amp fuse (not included).
All potential sources of ignition located in spaces containing gasoline powered machinery or gasoline fuel tank(s), or joint
fitting(s), or other connection(s), between components of a gasoline system, shall be ignition protected in accordance with
the requirements of ABYC E-11, AC and DC Electrical Systems On Boats.
The electrical wiring, connections, and installation shall be in accordance with the requirements of ABYC E-11, AC and DC
Electrical Systems On Boats.
The following is a summary of typical wiring installations:
15 - 20 ft
(4.5 - 6 m)
14 AWG
(2.5 mm
Brown wire
Black wire
20 - 30 ft
(6 - 9 m)
12 AWG
(4 mm
30 - 60 ft
60 - 90 ft
(9 - 18 m)
(18 - 27 m)
10 AWG
(6 mm
(10 mm