B) Hoses connection for simultaneous use of both sleeves:
First connect one end of the «single to double adapter» to the
«connection port» of the control unit. Then connect the other
end of the «Single to Dual Adapter» to each of the 2 « connecting
hoses». Finally, connect the other end of the « connecting hoses
« to the 2 sleeves.
Note : There is a connection direction when you connect
the hoses and connectors. The arrow shows you the correct
connection direction. Make sure that the « single to dual
adapter» and the «connecting hoses» are correctly connected.
2.2 Use of JOLT™ compression boots
Before you start with your session, it is important to stay comfortable and relaxed.
Adopt the right position ( sitting or lying ). It is recommended to slightly lift the limbs
during the session so that they are at the same level as the heart, more convenient
for the lymphatic and blood circulation in these areas.
A) Put on the recovery boots
You should pull your boots up as high as you can. Only your toes should stick
out at the end. This way you ensure that your entire legs benefit from the
compression technology.
B) Turn on the device
Turn on the power switch, the screen will switch on.
Note : If the screen does not turn on after starting, check the battery status.
Please charge the battery before use or plug in the charger if the battery is