Trigger Settings >
V<1-2> Level,
I<1-2> Level, Run
Key, List Key,
On/Off, DIO or
Trigger Positions Specifies a trigger offset. This allows the specified percent of pre-
Configures the trigger source.
Default is Run Key.
Action required:
Press Trigger Source to select a trigger source. This trigger
source will trigger the data logging on all input channels.
V<1-2> Level
Selects the voltage trigger level as
trigger source.
Triggers the measurement when the
voltage of the corresponding input
passes through the specified level.
I<1-2> Level
Selects the current trigger level as
trigger source.
Triggers the measurement when the
current of the corresponding input
passes through the specified level.
Run Key (List Run/Stop
Selects the Datalog Run Stop key as
a trigger source.
List Key (List Run/Stop
Selects the List Run/Stop key as a
trigger source.
On/Off (Input On/Off Key) Selects the Input On/Off keys as a
trigger source. Also applies to the All
Inputs On/Off key.
DIO (DIO Trigger In)
Selects any configured digital IO (with
Trigger Input function) as a trigger
Remote (Remote
Selects a remote interface command
as a trigger source.
Specifies a trigger level if you selected a Voltage level or Current
level as the trigger source. Along with the level, you must also
specify a slope.
Specifies if the measurement will be triggered on the positive
(up-slope) or negative (downslope) portion of the waveform.
trigger data to be logged to the file. The trigger position is
expressed as a percentage of the data log duration. For example,
if you specified a data log duration of 30 minutes and a trigger
position of 50%, the Data Logger will log 15 minutes of pre-trig-
ger data to the file before the trigger occurs. Subsequently, 15
minutes of post-trigger data will then be logged to the data file.
Keysight EL30000 Series User's Guide