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Liens rapides

6,06 x 3,26 H 1,24m
6,06 x 3,26 H 1,24m
4,66 x 3,26 H 1,24m
Instruction Manual
Take the reference number of your pool into
account when you do the assembly
Manual de Instrucciones
Tenga en cuenta la referencia y las medidas de
su piscina a la hora de realizar el montaje
Notice de Montage
Considérez la référence et les mesures de
votre piscine avant de procéder au montage
Bitte beachten Sie die Referenz und die
Masse Ihres Schwimmbads, wenn Sie die
Montage ausführen
Manuale delle instruzioni
Tener presente il riferimento della piscina al
momento del montaggio
Handleiding met instructies
Op het moment van monteren dient u
rekening te houden met de referentie en de
afmetingen van uw zwembad
Manual de instruções
Tenha em conta a referência da piscina momento
de realizar a montagem



Sommaire des Matières pour GRE KPCOR60N

  • Page 1 Bedienungsanleitung de realizar a montagem Bitte beachten Sie die Referenz und die www.grepool.com Masse Ihres Schwimmbads, wenn Sie die Montage ausführen KPCOR60N 6,06 x 3,26 H 1,24m KPCOR60LN 6,06 x 3,26 H 1,24m KPCOR46N 4,66 x 3,26 H 1,24m NON-CONTRACTUAL PHOTOS AND PICTURES. FOTOS E IMÁGENES NO CONTRACTUALES. PHOTOS ET IMAGES NON CONTRACTUELLES. PHOTOS UND BILDER SIND NICHT VERTRAGLICH.
  • Page 3 IMPORTANT - Read carefully the whole manual before mounting the pool. - Before starting with the installation, extend all the pool components and check that they are the same as the ones on page 23. - Handle with care all the swimming pool parts. They are very fragile and can be damaged easily. - In case of failure to following these instructions, the warranty will be completely invalidated.
  • Page 4 Contractual elements such as illustrations may vary, regarding on shape, colour and aspect. Manufacturas Gre in its commitment to ongoing improvement of their products, reserves the right to modify at any time and without previous warning the features, the technical details, the standardized equipment and the different options of its products.
  • Page 5 ATTENZIONE Leggere attentamente queste informazioni e e conservarle per farvi riferimento in futuro Congratulazioni per la tua scelta. Il modello che hai scelto è stato progettato in modo particolare per una installazione semplice e rapida, ma per un uso corretto della piscina sono necessarie alcune precauzioni. Prima di procedere con l’installazione e il montaggio della tua piscina, informati su quanto previsto dal piano regolatore.
  • Page 6 The guarantee is valid in all the UE countries, UK and Switzerland. The pool’s structure has a 5 year warranty since the date that the GRE offers the buyer -in addition to the rights of guarantee from product has been purchased. This warranty covers insect attacks the seller that correspond by law and without limiting them- and rotting.
  • Page 7 PROLOGUE SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS PACKAGING, CLASSIFICATION AND RECYCLING The filter kit (filter + pump) should be installed at least 3.5 metres • Some pool components are packed in plastic bags. To avoid all from the pool to avoid the risk of electrocution. risk of asphyxia, never allow babies or children to play with these.
  • Page 8 Europea, UK y Suiza. • Utilización de materiales no conformes a nuestras instrucciones Gre ofrece al comprador – además de los derechos de garantía • Utilización incorrecta de producto químico para el mantenimiento que le corresponden por ley ante el vendedor y sin limitarlos –...
  • Page 9 ANTES DEL MONTAJE INSTRUCCIONES DE SEGURIDAD EMBALAJE, CLASIFICACIÓN Y RECICLAJE Es obligatorio colocar el kit de filtración (filtro + bomba) a una • Algunos componentes de la piscina están embalados en bolsas distancia mínima de 3,5 metros de la piscina para evitar el riesgo de plástico.
  • Page 10 • Utilisation incorrecte d’un produit chimique pour l’entretien de l’eau. Gre offre à l’acheteur - en plus des droits de garantie qui lui • Variations de couleur. correspondent par la loi au vendeur et sans les limiter - un droit •...
  • Page 11 AVANT-PROPOS CONSIGNES DE SECURITE EMBALLAGE, TRI ET RECYCLAGE Il est impératif de placer votre kit de filtration (filtre + pompe) à au • Certains composants de votre piscine sont emballés sous sacs moins 3,5 m. du bassin afin d’éviter tout risque de choc électrique. plastiques.
  • Page 12 • Farbänderungen und die Schweiz • Verursachte Schäden (Brüche und Kratzer) Gre bietet dem Kunden – zusätzlich zu den dem Kunden gesetzlich - Liner: 2 Jahre auf Nähte und die Wasserfestigkeit unter normalen und ohne Einschränkung entsprechenden Gewährleistungsrechten Nutzungsbedingungen. Folgendes fällt nicht unter die Garantie: –...
  • Page 13 EINLEITUNG und leicht zugänglichen Ort sein. SICHERHEITSHINWEISE Die Position des Swimmingpools muss frei von Rohren oder elektrischen Anschlüssen sein. Es ist erforderlich, den Filtrationsbausatz (Filter + Pumpe) in einem Bitte berücksichtigen Sie, dass sich ein Pool am besten an einem Mindestabstand von 3,5 Metern zum Pool zu platzieren, um das sonnigen Tag aufstellen lässt und Tage mit viel Wind zu vermeiden Risiko eines Stromschlags zu vermeiden.
  • Page 14 Svizzera. dall’azienda • Utilizzo non corretto di prodotti chimici per il trattamento Gre offre al compratore - a parte dei diritti di garanzia che le dell’acqua corrispondono secondo la legge verso il venditore e senza limitarli • Variazioni di colore - un diritto secondo le condizioni dei seguenti obblighi garantiti •...
  • Page 15 INTRODUZIONE ISTRUZIONI DI SICUREZZA IMBALLAGGIO, CLASSIFICAZIONE E RICICLO È obbligatorio collocare il kit di filtrazione (filtro + pompa) a una • Alcuni componenti della piscina hanno un imballaggio in distanza minima di 3,5 metri dalla piscina per evitare il rischio di plastica.
  • Page 16 • Bij gebruik van materialen die niet in overeenstemming zijn met Zwitserland onze instructies Gre biedt de koper –naast de rechten op garantie die men volgens • Bij onjuist gebruik van chemicaliën voor wateronderhoud de wet heeft tegenover de verkoper en zonder beperking daarop •...
  • Page 17 WOORWOORD VEILIGHEIDSINSTRUCTIES VERPAKKING, AFVALSCHEIDING EN RECYCLING Het is verplicht om de filterkit (filter + pomp) op een minimum • Enkele componenten van het zwembad zijn verpakt in plastic afstand van 3,5 meter van het zwembad te plaatsen om het risico zakjes.
  • Page 18 A garantia é válida nos países membros da UE, UK e na Suiça. as instruções do fabricante A Gre oferece ao comprador – além dos direitos de garantia que • Utilização incorreta de produtos químicos para a manutenção lhe correspondem por lei perante o vendedor e sem limitá-los da água...
  • Page 19 PRELIMINAR INSTRUÇÕES DE SEGURANÇA EMBALAGEM, CLASSIFICAÇÃO E RECICLAGEM É obrigatório colocar o kit de filtração (filtro + bomba) a uma • Alguns componentes da piscina estão embalados em sacos de distância mínima de 3,5 metros da piscina para evitar o risco de plástico.
  • Page 21 CONSEILS DE SECURITÉ INFORMACIÓN DE SEGURIDAD SAFETY ADVICES Avant d’installer et d’utiliser, la piscine, veuillez lire Antes de instalar y de utilizar la piscina, lea aten- Carefully read, understand, and follow all informa- tamente la información recogida en el presente attentivement, assimiler et respecter toutes les in- tion in this user manual before installing and using manual, asimílela y cúmplala.
  • Page 22 >inizio > servizi > servizi tecnico > italia TAR-NOS! Germany & Austria Freie nummer: 0 800-952 49 72 web: www.grepool.com/en/after-sales SERVIÇOS TECNICO EM PORTUGAL: e-mail: info-germany@gre.es web: www.grepool.com/it/post-vendita link web > inicio > serviço > serviço técnico > portugal web: www.grepool.com/de/kundenservice web: www.grepool.com/post-venta...
  • Page 23 COMPONENTS Draw and clasify all components included before assembly. It’s time to assemble the ladder and the pump, follow the respective instructions. Kits with missing parts will be covered by the warranty only if reported to the after-sales service within 15 days as from the date of purchase of the swimming pool.
  • Page 24 Zoek het model van uw zwembad op in de volgende tabel en controleer of het aantal EENHEDEN in elke doos of zak overeen komt met wat op deze tabel staat vermeld ( *voor kits ). Verifique que o número de UNIDADES dentro de cada caixa ou embalagem coincide com esta tabela ( * para os kits ). IMAGE KPCOR60N KPCOR60LN KPCOR46N PNCOMRF331400...
  • Page 27 First level Above ground Semi in-ground In-ground This is a determining stage in the construction of your pool. Certain works performed in situ, like the preparation of the land, the concrete slab, the draining... could need the intervention of professionals that will suggest the most adequate solutions. Select the ideal location, in the sunniest spot possible, taking into account the local regulations (distance from the paths, public rights of way, networks...) and the landscaping after installing the pool.
  • Page 28 Nivel de filtración Sobre el suelo Semienterrada Enterrada Es una etapa determinante en la construcción de su piscina. Determinados trabajos de puesta en marcha, como la preparación del terreno, la losa de hormigón, el drenaje... pueden precisar la intervención de profesionales que sabrán proponerle las soluciones adecuadas. Seleccione el emplazamiento ideal, lo más soleado posible, teniendo en cuenta la normativa local (distancia de la cerca, servidumbres públicas, redes...) y el paisajismo posterior a la instalación de la piscina.
  • Page 29 Niveau de la filtration Hors-sol Semi-enterrée Enterrée C’est une étape déterminante dans la réalisation de votre piscine. Certains travaux de mise en oeuvre tels que le terrassement, la dalle béton, le drainage,... peuvent nécessiter l’intervention de professionnels qui sauront proposer les solutions adéquates. Choisissez l’emplacement idéal, le plus ensoleillé...
  • Page 30 Filtrationshöhe An der oberfläche zur Hälfte eingelassen Ganz eingelassen Dies ist eine entscheidende Etappe beim Aufbau Ihres Pools. Bestimmte Arbeiten bei der Inbetriebnahme, wie etwa Geländevorbereitung, Betonplatte, Entwässerung… können den Einsatz von Fachleuten erforderlich machen, die in der Lage sind, Ihnen geeignete Lösungen vorzuschlagen. Wählen Sie den idealen Standort, d.
  • Page 31 Livello di filtrazione Fuori terra Seminterrata Interrata È un passaggio determinante nella costruzione della piscina. Determinati lavori di messa in funzione, come la preparazione del terreno, il basamento di calcestruzzo, il drenaggio... possono necessitare l’intervento di professionisti che proporranno le soluzioni adeguate. Scegliere la collocazione ideale, il più...
  • Page 32 Filterniveau Op de grond Half-verzonken Verzonken Dit is een bepalende fase tijdens de aanleg van uw zwembad. Er moet worden aangevangen met een aantal werkzaamheden, zoals de voorbereiding van het terrein, de betonvloer, de afvoer... dit kan vragen om de hulp van professionals die weten hoe ze de juiste oplossingen moeten uitvoeren. Kies een ideale plaats uit, zo zonnig mogelijk, maar houd daarbij rekening met de plaatselijke normen (afstand tot de grondscheiding, publieke erfdienstbaarheid, leidingnetwerken...) en de landschapsinrichting na installatie van het zwembad.
  • Page 33 Nível de filtração Em superficie Semienterrada Enterrada É uma etapa determinante na construção da sua piscina. Determinados trabalhos de colocação em funcionamento, como a preparação do terreno, a laje de betão, a drenagem... podem precisar da intervenção de profissionais que saberão propor-lhe as soluções adequadas. Selecione a localização ideal, o mais soalheira possível, tendo em conta o regulamento local (distância da vedação, servidões públicas, redes...) e o paisagismo posterior à...
  • Page 34 Installation place: Our pools are designed to be erected above ground an for an outdoor family use. The ground has to be firm, flat adn perfectly horizontal. Remember: 1000 lts of water = m3 = 1000 Kgs. Advices to chose the best location for your pool: • Select a place where you´ll have to realize the least excavation to levelled the ground.
  • Page 35 700 cm 420 cm KPCOR60N 700 cm 420 cm KPCOR60LN 560 cm 420 cm KPCOR46N MARK THE INSTALLATION AREA: To mark the ground, use wooden stakes, a screwdriver, funnel or plastic bottle and flour or lime. It is essential to level the total surface necessary before the marking to ensure the correct pool installation.
  • Page 37 CONCRETE SLAB LOSA DE HORMIGÓN DALLE BÉTON BETONPLATTE BASAMENTO DI CALCESTRUZZO BETONVLOER LAJE DE BETÃO The installation of your swimming pool involves constructing a concrete slab reinforced with welded wire mesh. The concrete must be of 350 kg/m3 (standard C125 430). The concrete slab must be perfectly flattened or smoothed as any minimum error will be visible. Minimum thickness: 17 cm. We recommend that you contact a professional to construct the slab.
  • Page 38 680 cm 400 cm 17 cm KPCOR60N 680 cm 400 cm 17 cm KPCOR60LN 540 cm 400 cm 17 cm KPCOR46N The slab should be smooth and level, without any rough edges La losa debe ser lisa, sin asperezas y nivelada La dalle doit être, lisse sans aspérité...
  • Page 39 METAL FRAMES BASTIDORES METÁLICOS BERCEAUX MÉTALLIQUES METALLGESTELL TELAI METALLICI METALEN FRAMES ARMAÇÕES METÁLICAS ASSEMBLY The metal frame must be assembled. First both parts should be joined with the metal pieces to form an «L» shape, as indicated in figure A. Assemble the frame according to figure B.
  • Page 40 ± 288 cm ± 308 cm KPCOR60N ± 288 cm ± 308 cm KPCOR60LN ± 288 cm ± 308 cm KPCOR46N IPEB IPEC Fig. B / Abb.B / Afb. B Fig. C / Abb. C / Afb. C POSITIONING Place the frames in the bottom of the excavation as per the indications in the attached drawing. Make sure that the vertical parts are properly plumb. Place the metal wire mesh to fit the surface that the concrete slab will take up.
  • Page 41 IPEB IPEB IPEB KPCOR60(L)N 144 cm 568 cm IPEC 288 cm 144 cm 144 cm 140 cm 140 cm 144 cm IPEB IPEB KPCOR46 144 cm 428 cm IPEC 288 cm 144 cm 144 cm 140 cm 144 cm INTERIOR DIMENSIONS: We start by marking the axis of the buried beams on the floor.
  • Page 42 PLACEMENT OF THE PANELS -All pool panels are identical except the one that carries filtration. Place it in the center of one of the two shorter areas of your swimming pool. -The inside face of the panels (smooth surface) must be above the polygon just marked in the previous section. -Use the vertical profiles to join the panels together.
  • Page 43 PLACEMENT OF PANELS IN THE STRAIGHT AREA - The union of the panels must stay in the center of the column. That way you can insert the profile ( photo 3 ). - In picture 4, it is possible to see how the panels are not centered in regards to the column. Avoiding this is very important in order not to encounter problems when filling with water.
  • Page 44 PLACEMENT OF THE TOP RAILS Now is the time to remove the outer protection of the vertical aluminum profiles. In the diagram it can be seen that there are 3 different types of coppings. Identify the parts. Inside the PLYCOM..SK box is the copping for the filtration panel. (Photo 7). It is fundamental that the pieces are levelled to avoid future problems when positioning the metal trimming.
  • Page 45 única peça, ou riferimento è inerente a un singolo derdeel, één eenheid. unidade. pezzo, un’unità. A = PLYCOMP90 B = PLYCOMP9045 C = PLYCOMP9045SK KPCOR60N KPCOR46N KPCOR60LN KPCOR60(L)N KPCOR46N C1 = B1 C1 = B1 PLYCOMP9045P...
  • Page 46 PLACEMENT OF THE SKIMMER - Completely assemble the skimmer and screw it from the inside of the pool. - If you find it difficult to screw it to the wall, you can use a 2 mm drill bit and make a guide for the screw. This will make the work easier. - With the glue, place the seal facing inward.
  • Page 47 PROTECTIVE GROUND BLANKET - It is recommended the duck tape be used to cover the rivets of the vertical profiles, which will be in contact with the swimming pool liner. This prevents the liner from being pricked. (Photo 11). - Before covering the ground, it is advisable to sweep and vacuum the concrete floor to remove dirt, such as pebbles, branches, leaves, etc. - Place the cover to protect the sleeve.
  • Page 48 PLACEMENT OF THE SLEEVE (LINER) - Remove the sleeve from the box with great care. Stretch and extend it in the shade so that it recovers its shape. Perform this step at least two hours before its placement. The ideal temperature for mounting the sleeve is 20 - 25ºC. -Do not use sharp objects they could prick the sleeve.
  • Page 49 POSIZIONAMENTO DEL RIVESTIMENTO -Estrarre il rivestimento dall’imballo prestando molta attenzione. Srotolarlo e stenderlo all’ombra affinché recuperi la propria forma. Effettuare queste operazioni almeno due ore prima del posizionamento. La temperatura ideale per il montaggio è di 20 – 25ºC. -Non utilizzare oggetti pungenti che possono forare il rivestimento. La garanzia non copre le forature causate da manovre errate. Togliere le scarpe. -Stendere il rivestimento e farlo aderire agli angoli della piscina.
  • Page 50 FITTING THE FASTENING STRIP TO HOLD UP THE LINER After fitting the liner, miter-cut the fastening strip at lengths of 138 cm (length of each top rail). Thread each piece of fastening strip from end-to-end on each top rail to hold the previously fitted liner in place. Then place them as close as possible to each pother.
  • Page 51 - Maybe the liner does not perfectly adjust to the corners of your pool. This is not a structural problem, simply aesthetic. Do not be surprised. - When you start to sill the pool, remember to fill only up to 2-3 cm and remove all the wrinkles on the bottom from the interior, without any footwear. Also, you must adjust the corners at the bottom and sides of your pool.
  • Page 52 INSTALLATION OF THE COPPING’S TRIMS This piece covers the joints of the copping (there must be a space between the copping). It is aesthetic. Possibly and due to irregularities of the terrain the trim does not fit completely. If this happens, do not worry because it does not affect the structural system. In that case we suggest using double face tape or Velcro.
  • Page 53 INSTALATION OF THE STRUCTURAL SYSTEM TRIM This is to cover the vertical pols (photo 18) to give the swimming pool a nicer aesthetic. This piece is for decoration only. Look for some brackets and screws (4 x 16 mm) that you will find in the bag KITENV. Screw the bracket as you prefer.
  • Page 54 FITTING THE RETURN VALVE (V): (IMPELLER NOZZLE: V) This valve is located at the bottom of the pool wall, and the water is returned to the pool through it after being treated in the treatment unit. Start pouring water into the pool through a garden hose, and stop 4 cm below the bottom of the valve hole.
  • Page 55 Insert the nozzle from the inside of the pool through the cut already made with a friction ring (F) and a gasket (J) once they are placed. This way, the gasket (J) is in contact with the liner. Cut the piece of the liner that is visible from the outside (Picture 22). The other gasket (J) is put into place from the outside, place it at the very back in contact with the liner (Photo 23).
  • Page 56 Insert the return hose (M) which goes from the outlet of the treatment unit to the return valve (V), and secure it with the clamp (A) (photo 27). When the filtering is working, the safety cover must be installed as seen in photo 28. Use the screws included in the kit. Tip: You can use a 2 mm drill bit to make a guide on the panel, this way it is easier to screw it.
  • Page 57 ATTACHING THE SKIMMER BODY (S) TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE POOL: Fill the pool with water until it reaches 4 cm from the bottom of the die of the skimmer. Affix the seal ring and position the skimmer frame. Screw it with a screwdriver.
  • Page 58 PLACEMENT OF THE INTERNAL LADDER - Take out the ladder and follow the installation instructions. Think about where you want to have the entry for your swimming pool. You can also mount it and put it into pool without attaching the fastenings to see how it looks. Just support it on the shore. - Look for two metal plates.
  • Page 59 2 cm 1 cm PLACEMENT OF THE EXTERNAL LADDER - Remove the ladder from the box with great care. Look for 8 screws (3.5 x 25 mm) and two hooks in the box: KITENV... - Place the ladder against the pool wall (photo 37) and make a mark as shown (Photo 38). Measure 2 cm from the ladder and 1 cm from the marks of the panel. (photo 39).
  • Page 60 NOTE 1: KPCOR60LN: Your pool consists of 10 standard panels, 1 filtration panel and 1 led panel. We recommend one of these 4 options at the time of placing the led panel. This way, the light will spread throughout the pool evenly. KPCOR60LN: Su piscina se compone de 10 paneles estandar, 1 panel para la filtración y 1 panel para el Led.
  • Page 61 NOTE 2: INSTALLATION OF THE LED PROJECTOR STRUCTURAL SYSTEM It is about covering the led proyector and the cable as we did for covering the structurtal system. Locate the piece and put it as shown in picture A. ATTENTION! It is very important to place the brakets IN THE STRIPPED AREA of the panel as shown in picture B. If, for the contrary, you try to screw the brakets on the flat surface, you won´t be able to screw them properly and the panel may damage.
  • Page 62 FILTER FILTRACIÓN FILTRATION FILTRATION FILTRAZIONE FILTERING FILTRAÇÃO ASSEMBLY SUGGESTIONS: • The filter should be located at least 3.50 m from the pool. The following diagrams explain the movement direction of the water. Check the manual that comes with the filter group for the assembly instruc- tions.
  • Page 63 All the threaded connections should be assembled with the watertight Teflon tape , except the connection with O rings. The Teflon should be wound round the thread in a counter clockwise direction. LAND-FILLING: Finish filling the pool. The water level should be situated between the upper third part and the second half of the skimmer mouth. Todas las conexiones roscadas deben montarse con la cinta estanca de Teflón , excepto las conexiones con junta tórica.
  • Page 64 SAND FILTER FILTRO DE ARENA FILTRE À SABLE This is the oldest of filtering systems. The filtered water passes through the sand (calibrated silicon) that retains all impurities. This type of filter is equipped with a multi-directional flap that allows easy manipulations and cleaning. SANDFILTER DIFFERENT POSITIONS OF THE MULTI-DIRECTIONAL FLAP (4 OR 6)*: When you perform changes the position of the multi-directional flap that pump should always be stopped, without...
  • Page 65 2. WASHING POSITION (OR BACKWASH): Sand washing position. Allow the water to circulate in reverse direction in the filter. The water enters through the lower part of the filter elevates the filtering mass and therefore collects all its impurities and because they are lighter than sand, they area evacuated through the upper part of the filter towards the drain.
  • Page 66 4. EMPTYING POSITION / DRAIN (OR WASTE): Position to evacuate the water of for emptying the pool. In this case, the water does not pass through the filter, it goes directly to the drain. 4. POSICIÓN VACIADO / DESAGÜE (O WASTE): Posición para evacuar el agua o para vaciar el vaso. En este caso, el agua no pasa por el filtro, sale directamente por el desagüe.
  • Page 67 6. RECIRCULATION POSITION / CIRCULATION**: Position used so the water circulates through the hydraulic network without passing through the filter. This possibility is used to move the water if you want to add a product to the pool or if you should perform any operation in the filter, because in this case the filter is isolated and the water coming from the pump is directly expelled.
  • Page 69 WATER RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT DO NOT TAKE APART THE POOL UNLESS IT IS STRICTLY NECESSARY. IF YOU DO SO, PLEASE REUSE THE WATER. WATER IS A SCARCE GOOD. When your pool reaches the end of its useful life, it should be disassembled; the different materials (plastic and steel) should be separated and taken to the disposal point indicated by local authorities.
  • Page 70 AGUA RESPETA EL MEDIO AMBIENTE "NO DESMONTE LA PISCINA SI NO ES ESTRICTAMENTE NECESARIO. EN CASO DE HACERLO, LE ROGAMOS REUTILICE EL AGUA. EL AGUA ES UN BIEN ESCASO". Cuando su piscina alcance el final de su vida útil, debe ser desmontada, segregar los distintos materiales (plástico y acero) y llevarlos al punto limpio especificado por las autoridaes locales. MANTENIMIENTO Y USO: - Durante la temporada de uso de un kit de piscina ponga a funcionar el sistema de filtración una vez al día para asegurar un renovamiento completo del volumen de agua y siempre cuando no se esté...
  • Page 71 RECOMMANDATION POUR L ENVIRONNEMENT : «NE DÉMONTEZ PAS LA PISCINE SI CELA N EST PAS ABSOLUMENT NÉCESSAIRE. EN CAS DE DÉMONTAGE, NOUS VOUS PRIONS DE RÉUTILISER L EAU. IL N Y A PAS D EAU EN TROP». Lorsque votre piscine atteint la fin de sa vie utile, elle doit être démontée, puis il faudra séparer les différents matériaux (plastique et acier) et les déposer dans la déchetterie spécifiée par les autorités locales.
  • Page 72 WASSER UMWELTSCHUTZUNG DEMONTIEREN SIE NICHT DAS SCHWIMMBECKEN, WENN DAS NICHT UNBEDINGT NÖTIG IST. IM FALLE SIE DAS MACHEN, VERWENDEN SIE BITTE DAS WASSER. DAS WASSER IST EIN KNAUSERIGES GUTE. Wenn Ihr Pool das Ende seiner Nutzungsdauer erreicht hat, muss er auseinandergebaut werden. Die verschiedenen Materialien (Plastik und Stahl) müssen getrennt und zur Sammelstelle gebracht werden, die von den örtlichen Behörden bestimmt wird.
  • Page 73 ACQUA PRECAUZIONE PER L'ECOSISTEMA AMBIENTALE NON SMONTARE LA PISCINA SE NON E' STRETTAMENTE NECESSARIO.NEL CASO LO FOSSE VI PREGHIAMO DI RIUTILIZZARE L'ACQUA. L'ACQUA NON VA SPRECATA. Quando la piscina giunge al termine della sua vita utile, deve essere smontata, i vari materiali (plastica e acciaio) devono essere separati e trasportati presso il centro di raccolta indicato dalle autorità...
  • Page 74 ACQUA O MEIO AMBIENTE AGRADECE “DESMONTAR A PISCINA SE ABSOLUTAMENTE NECESSÁRIO. NESTE CASO, POR FAVOR REUTILIZE A ÁGUA. A ÁGUA É VIDA.” Quando a piscina atingir o final da sua vida útil, deverá ser desmontada e os distintos materiais (plástico e aço) segregados e transportados para o Ecoponto especificado pelas autoridades locais.
  • Page 75 MADE BY - FABRICADO POR - FABRIQUÉ PAR - HERGESTELLT DURCH PRODOTTO DA - GEPRODUCEERD DOOR - FABRICADO POR: MANUFACTURAS GRE, S.A. ARITZ BIDEA Nº 57 BELAKO INDUSTRIALDEA, APARTADO 69 - 48100 MUNGUIA (VIZCAYA) ESPAÑA Nº Reg. Ind. 48-06762 Made in Spain - Fabricado en España - Fabriqué en Espagne - Hergestellt in Spanien Prodotto in Spagna - Geproduceerd in Spanje - Fabricado na Espanha 09.01.2023...

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