Warning! The body of the device will accumulate heat from the brake and may be HOT enough to damage the rope if not adminis-
trated correctly. Always use protective gloves when operating the device and rope.
Once the first person-/s have reached the ground and disconnected from the equipment, the next person may hook onto the
trailing rope (which subsequently becomes the rescue rope) using the carabiner at the end (or making a figure of 8 knot if the
equipment length is not site specific depending on rope length and descent height).
Warning! If a figure of 8 knot is used instead of the end carabiner always ensure that it is place on the correct end, if wrongfully
placed the descent may be blocked by the knot. Always pull through an extra meter or two on the former rescue rope to ensure
room for the knot to ensure that next evacuee reaches the ground. The lowering process described with continuous lowering of
several evacuees one after the other is called "shuttling". When evacuating several persons ensure that this complies with the
maximum descent and load according to the specification under technical data.
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B A S I C E V A C U A T I O N - B O D Y M O U N T E D
Attach the rescue rope carabiner to the anchor point. Attach the device carabiner to the harness attachment point (marked
with A) or approved body holding device in accordance with its user instruction. Remove any slack between you and the
device by pulling the trailing rope upwards. Hold on to the trailing rope while transferring the load into the device. Carefully
swing free of the platform and ease the grip around the trailing rope to begin the descent.
Note! If possible, try to position the device so the handwheel faces away from the user-/s to minimize risk of injuries.
To decrease or manually control the descent speed e.g. in narrow spaces, add friction by passing the rope thru the friction loop
and rope groove of the device.
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B A S I C L I F T I N G - T O P M O U N T E D
Attach the equipment to an anchor point directly via the device carabiner or with a anchor sling at least 1 meter above the
Pull out the rescue rope so you can attach it to the casualty's harness (upper attachment point).
Remove any slack between you and the device by pulling the trailing rope downwards.
Pull the trailing rope through the friction loop and insert the rope into the rope clamp and tighten.
Start to lift by turning the handwheel in clockwise direction with two hands. Frequently tighten the slack between the friction
loop and rope clamp. Approx. after every 10 turns on the handwheel.
Note! Secure if necessary the trailing rope around the device to eliminate the risk of unintentional descent.
Free the casualty from its fall arrest
Start the control descent by releasing the trailing rope from the rope clamp by pulling it outwards.
Warning! Never let go of the trailing rope as it could be difficult to regain control if lost.
RESQ RPX200 & EPX200 | v-2 | Master EN |