operating instructions
operating instructions
18. Detergent bottle can only be
attached directly to the gun.
Remove lance before attaching.
19. Attach detergent bottle in the
same way as the lance by push-
ing into gun and turning clock-
wise at the same time. Reverse
for removing. Before storage
the unit, clean the detergent
bottle using clean water instead
of detergent.
20. The use of detergents can dra-
matically reduce cleaning time
and assist in the removal
difficult stains.
gents have been customized
for pressure washer use on spe-
cific cleaning tasks. These de-
tergents are approximately as
thick as water. NOTE: The use
of thicker detergents, such as
dish soap, will clog the chemi-
cal injection system and prevent
the application of the deter-
gent. Use only detergents suit-
able for pressure washers.
mpx1450_en.indd 10
21. Pull trigger then turn off pow-
22. After turning off power, pull
Some deter-
23. Remove high pressure hose
unit storage
er switch on back of pressure
washer. Unplug the unit.
trigger to relieve line pressure
before removing spray gun
and high pressure hose.
Pump Outlet
mpx 1450
22/02/10 09:29