The pellet stove is equipped with an electronic card installed inside it, which receives the
functioning settings from the control panel with a display to read the data.
Button 1 (P1)
- Pushed just one time, it enter in the function of the change of the room
Temperature (use P1 and P2 to change the value, P3 to exit)
- Inside the menu it change the value on display
Button 2 (P2)
- Pushed just one time, it enter in the function of the change of the room
Temperature (use P1 and P2 to change the value, P3 to exit)
- Inside the menu it Change the value on display
Button 3 (P3)
- Pushed just one time, it enter into the Menu of programming (use P5
and P6 to scroll through the menus, P3 to enter inside the menu, P4 to
- Inside the menu it confirms the data on the display and goes on to the
next enter.
Button 4 (P4)
- Keeping it pushed for some seconds it switch on/off the appliance.
- Inside the menu it allows to return to previous position or to exit from
the different menu
Button 5 (P5)
- Pushed just one time, it enters in the function of the change of the Power
(use P6 and P5 to modify the value, P3 to exit ).
- Inside the menu it allows to scroll through menu.
Button 6 (P6)
- Pushed just one time, it enters in the function of the change of the Power
(use P6 and P5 to modify the value, P3 to exit).
- Inside the menu it allows to scroll through menus
IT IT IT IT- - - - GB
GB- - - - FR
FR- - - - ES
ES mod. 501-501X-501L-501LX