The AR 5800 is a repair station for desoldering
through-hole components by solder intake.
- AR 5800 230V
It is supplied with an Advanced DR 5600 desoldering
iron and Advanced 2245 soldering handpiece.
Any of the Advanced tools for soldering-
Any of the Advanced tools for soldering-
Any of the Advanced tools for soldering-
Any of the Advanced tools for soldering-
Any of the Advanced tools for soldering-
desoldering can be connected to the two
desoldering can be connected to the two
desoldering can be connected to the two
desoldering can be connected to the two
desoldering can be connected to the two
modules: the soldering handpieces, the DR 5600
desoldering iron, the AP 1300 solder feed iron and
the tweezers.
The standardization of connections allows you to
adapt your configuration in the best way to your
job's needs. Do notice that you can connect only one
desoldering iron.
In the station it is easy to verify which temperature
control module is controlling which tool. With all
tools in their stands take any one of them out of its
stand while watching the green LEDs of the station.
You will see that the LED of the module the tool is
connected to, will stop being intermittent thus
indicating the tool is ready for use.
The station's components
- 2245 handpiece
with the 2245-003 cartridge
- DR 5600 desoldering iron
with the 5600-003 tip
- AD 8245 soldering iron stand
- DR 8500 desoldering iron stand
- External desoldering air filter
- Spare filters
- Instruction manual
The AR 5800 station has the following
complementary products:
- 2210 handpiece
- PA 1200 micro hot tweezers
- PA 4200 hot tweezers
- AP 1300 solder feed iron
Control Unit technical specifications
- Maximum power soldering iron 50W.
- Maximum power desoldering iron 75W.
- Temperature selection: 100 to 371°C (±5%).
Ref. 5800200
- Station's maximum power: 175W.
- ESD protected housing.
Typical surface resistance: 10
- Complies with CE standards on electrical safety,
electromagnetic compatibility and antistatic
- Equipotential connector is earth connected to the
plug feed of the station.
- Weight of complete unit: 10.6 kg.
For soldering and desoldering
Ref. 2245000
Ref. 2245003
Ref. 5600000
Safety measures
Ref. 5600003
Ref. 0788245
Ref. 0788500
Ref. 0821830
Ref. 0781046
Ref. 0781057
Ref. 2210000
Ref. 1200000
Ref. 4200000
Ref. 1300000
Clean the contacts and the printed circuit to
be desoldered of dust or dirt.
Preferably select a temperature below 350°C.
Excess temperature may cause the printed
circuit tracks to break loose.
The tip must be well tinned for good heat
conduction. If it has been inoperative for any
length of time, it should be retinned.
Incorrect use of this tool may cause fire.
Be cautious when using the tool in places
where inflamable products are stored.
Heat can fire up inflamable products even
when they are not at sight.
Do not use when the atmosphere is explosive.
Place the tool back on its stand in order to let
it cool down before you store it.